stick to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:48:15


stick to造句

  • 1、Teenagers should experience more andstick to the useful activities.(青少年應(yīng)該體驗(yàn)更多有益的活動(dòng)并堅(jiān)持下去。)
  • 2、Though there was only a slim chance to win the game, all of the team members chose tostick to the end.(雖然贏得比賽的機(jī)會(huì)微乎其微,但全隊(duì)成員都選擇了堅(jiān)持到底。)
  • 3、Don't expect me tostick to the job just because it pays a few more bucks.(別指望我只為多掙幾塊錢就堅(jiān)持工作下去。)
  • 4、I would juststick to the topic.(我只想緊扣主題。)
  • 5、The tallest pine is a smallstick to Satan's spear.(最高的松木對(duì)于撒旦的長矛而言就如同一根小小的棍子。)
  • 6、stick to small sizes. Think of treats such as eggnog lattes and mochas as desserts, not drinks.(堅(jiān)持用小尺寸。想想像蛋酒拿鐵和摩卡這樣的甜點(diǎn),而不是飲料。)
  • 7、Go out and try different activities, andstick to them if you think they're useful.(走出去,嘗試不同的活動(dòng),如果你認(rèn)為它們有用就堅(jiān)持下去。)
  • 8、She laid about herself with herstick to keep the dogs off.(她揮棒亂打以趕走那幾條狗。)
  • 9、I like the woods, and the river, and hogsheads, and I'llstick to 'em, too.(我喜歡森林,喜歡河流,喜歡大桶,我離不開那些東西。)
  • 10、Few mortals couldstick to that harsh regimen, especially for years on end.(很少有人能堅(jiān)持這么苛刻的養(yǎng)生法,尤其是堅(jiān)持這么多年。)
  • 11、I managed tostick to the diet and keep off sweet foods.(我設(shè)法堅(jiān)持節(jié)食,不吃甜食。)
  • 12、Don't juststick to words.(不要只說不做。)
  • 13、stick to your principles and tell him you won't do it.(要恪守自己的原則,告訴他你絕不會(huì)干的。)
  • 14、An elephant will sometimes use astick to scratch its back.(大象有時(shí)會(huì)用樹枝撓背。)
  • 15、I'll alwaysstick to you, Rat, and what you say is to be--has got to be.(我會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)黏著你,蘭特,你說什么就是什么——就一定得是什么。)
  • 16、We muststick to our promise.(我們必須遵守諾言。)
  • 17、She finds it impossible tostick to a diet.(飲食老受限制,她覺得受不了。)
  • 18、But remember tostick to the parameters of the assignment.(但是記得要堅(jiān)持賦值這項(xiàng)任務(wù)的參數(shù)。)
  • 19、We muststick to our story about the accident.(對(duì)事故的說法我們必須一口咬定,再不改口。)
  • 20、Dieting and exercising can bring your weight under control but you muststick to your plan with perseverance.(節(jié)食和鍛煉可以控制體重,但你必須堅(jiān)持不懈地堅(jiān)持自己的計(jì)劃。)
  • 21、Once a decision has been made, all of us shouldstick to it.(一旦做了決定,我們就應(yīng)該堅(jiān)持。)
  • 22、When families gather for Christmas dinner, some willstick to formal traditions dating back to Grandma's generation.(當(dāng)家人聚在一起吃圣誕晚餐時(shí),有些人會(huì)堅(jiān)持奶奶那一代的正式傳統(tǒng)。)
  • 23、One of the ideas I did have in there was tostick to a traditional cupcake.(我的確參與出了的一個(gè)主意是我們堅(jiān)持走傳統(tǒng)蛋糕路線。)
  • 24、The judge instructed both lawyers tostick to the facts of the case.(法官責(zé)令雙方律師要緊扣案情。)
  • 25、He used a sharpstick to dig a hole four feet deep.(他用一個(gè)鋒利的棍子挖了一個(gè)四英尺深的洞。)
  • 26、Mole's going tostick to me and do as I do, aren't you, Mole?(莫爾會(huì)黏著我,我做什么,他就做什么,是不是,莫爾?)
  • 27、Why didn't shestick to dancing as a career?(她為什么不堅(jiān)持以舞蹈為職業(yè)呢?)
  • 28、Let'sstick to the road we know.(我們沿著熟悉的路走吧。)
  • 29、Avoid dark streets, and try tostick to the well-lit streets whenever possible.(無論何時(shí)盡量避免昏暗的街道,走光線充足的街道。)
  • 30、"As for my future plan, I willstick to reading and reciting poems," Lei said.(“至于我的未來計(jì)劃,我將堅(jiān)持閱讀和背誦詩歌?!崩渍f。)

stick to基本釋義

stick to

英 [stik tu:] 美 [st?k tu] 