
out of order造句

out of order造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:46:31


out of order造句

  • 1、The phone seems to beout of order.(這個電話好象出了故障。)
  • 2、You were wellout of order taking it without asking.(你不問一聲就把它拿走,這是很不妥當(dāng)?shù)摹?
  • 3、He came to the conclusion that the machine wasout of order.(他斷定機器出了毛病。)
  • 4、This might lead to problems, since the requests might arriveout of order to the target machines in the server farm.(這可能會導(dǎo)致出現(xiàn)問題,因為請求可能不會按順序到達服務(wù)器機群中的目標機器上。)
  • 5、There were so many books that he'd written in, and she was reading them allout of order.(他在那么多書上作了評注,她只好不按順序地翻著看。)
  • 6、Not that the car isout of order, but that I've not learned to drive.(不是汽車出了故障,而是我還沒有學(xué)會開車。)
  • 7、That lathe wentout of order at times.(那臺車床有時發(fā)生故障。)
  • 8、As the floods had put the telephoneout of order, we could not find out how they were managing.(由于洪水造成了電話中斷,我們無法了解他們情況。)
  • 9、If logging is performed on different machines, the machines' timestamps must be synchronized, or the log messages will beout of order.(如果要對不同的機器記錄日志,那就必須對這些機器的時間戳進行同步,否則日志消息的次序就混亂了。)
  • 10、Allow write operations to arriveout of order or be processed more than once.(支持寫操作亂序到達,或者多次執(zhí)行。)
  • 11、The processor is allowed to execute operationsout of order under some circumstances.(在某些情況下,可以允許處理器以顛倒的次序執(zhí)行一些操作。)
  • 12、The order of execution is perceived to beout of order, but is allowed to happen given the current memory model.(執(zhí)行的順序是顛倒的,但鑒于當(dāng)前的內(nèi)存模型,這也是允許發(fā)生的。)
  • 13、While this approach might seem to beout of order, the editor posits that it might be in order of difficulty.(盡管這種方式的順序看起來有些不合常理,但編輯假定這可能是按照困難程度來安排的。)
  • 14、If you know that your work-life balance isout of order then you need to change that.(如果你知道你的工作和生活平衡是出現(xiàn)故障的,那么你需要改變。)
  • 15、I checked the files and some of the papers wereout of order.(我檢查過案卷,其中有些未按順序編排。)
  • 16、The room is in dreadful disorder (out of order ).(房間里亂七八糟。)
  • 17、W: I'd like to, but the photocopier isout of order.(W:我很樂意,可是影印機壞了。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 18、The machine isout of order.(機器出故障了。)
  • 19、Because, in that case, if your car's engine isout of order, you will have to fix the whole car or purchase a new one!(因為如果汽車的引擎出故障了,你可能修理整部車或者需要買一個新的。)
  • 20、But recall that today's drives have very large caches and can put write operationsout of order.(但是,考慮一下,現(xiàn)在的磁盤都有很大的緩存,可被亂序?qū)懭搿?
  • 21、Bobby: I'm not surprised. It's alwaysout of order.(博比:不奇怪,它經(jīng)常出毛病。)
  • 22、Kent, you'reout of order.(肯特,你太過分了。)
  • 23、His objection was ruledout of order.(他的反對被裁定為違反會議規(guī)則。)
  • 24、The toilets are allout of order.(這些抽水馬桶都壞了。)
  • 25、The phone isout of order.(電話壞了。)
  • 26、Note: Only works if you don't care about the dates beingout of order, but would like to remember the date anyway.(注:如若你不管怎樣都想記住日期,而不在意日期混亂,此方法有效。)
  • 27、Use another one because the lock isout of order.(請用另外一間,這間的鎖壞了。)

out of order基本釋義

out of order

英 [aut ?v ??:d?] 美 [a?t ?v ??rd?] 
無次序的; 混亂的; 有毛病的; 出故障的