
get through造句

get through造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:46:29


get through造句

  • 1、I couldn'tget through—the line's engaged.(我打不通電話—線路忙。)
  • 2、After youget through the first three weeks, it becomes far easier to stick with it.(當(dāng)你熬過了前三個(gè)星期之后,以后要堅(jiān)持下來就變得相當(dāng)容易了。)
  • 3、'I actually felt [Dayo] is what helped meget through it,' Toks says.(托克斯說:“我真切地感受到,(妲尤)就是那個(gè)能陪我度過此生的人。”)
  • 4、Compare this to my male friends and Iget through a lot more of the time.(對(duì)比一下我的男性好友,通常大多數(shù)時(shí)間都可以立即接通。)
  • 5、I think any of those couldget through (ok, maybe not Gulbis!) to the final weekend.(進(jìn)入周末的決賽,我看任何人都有可能(當(dāng)然,也許古爾·比斯除外)。)
  • 6、I hate dealing with the bank over the phone because it usually takes ages toget through to the right person.(我討厭在電話里和銀行打交道,因?yàn)橥ǔRê荛L時(shí)間才能接通到合適的人。)
  • 7、Unless some opposition members abstain, the budget may thus notget through.(除非一些對(duì)頭棄權(quán),否則這一預(yù)算法案或許就因此而流產(chǎn)了。)
  • 8、I tried calling you several times but I couldn'tget through.(我試著給你打了幾次電話,但都沒聯(lián)系上。)
  • 9、One problem is that radio waves from these far away objects, even though they canget through, are extremely faint.(一個(gè)問題是,來自這些遙遠(yuǎn)物體的無線電波,即使可以到達(dá)這里,也會(huì)非常微弱。)
  • 10、Assemble a list of talking points and make sure youget through them, adds Sullivan.(列出一張要點(diǎn)清單,并確保你將清單上的每一項(xiàng)都說完了。)
  • 11、Many youths can onlyget through by borrowing money, and it means they have to earn more money when they graduate.(許多年輕人只能通過借錢來度過難關(guān),這意味著他們畢業(yè)后必須賺更多的錢。)
  • 12、Wherever the largest element started out in the list, by the time Iget through it, it's at the end.(無論列表中最大的元素從哪開始,當(dāng)我完成它的時(shí)候,它就在最后。)
  • 13、The message didn'tget through and the wrong person was sent to do the installation.(這個(gè)信息沒有傳達(dá)到,一個(gè)不知情的人員被安排過來進(jìn)行安裝。)
  • 14、For example, are you hoping toget through a business lunch without embarrassing yourself, or are you thinking about how fascinating the conversation might be?(例如,你是希望在不讓自己尷尬的情況下完成一場商務(wù)午餐,還是在思考這場對(duì)話能有多吸引人?)
  • 15、The trouble is that I neverget through the weekly reading list though some books are quite interesting.(問題是盡管有些書很有趣,但我從來沒有完成過每周的閱讀清單。)
  • 16、I'd love to go there but I'm too big toget through the door.(我想去那兒,但我個(gè)頭太大了,進(jìn)不了門。)
  • 17、Molly leaned over and hugged her tightly. "We'llget through this, Mom."(茉莉靠著她緊緊地抱著她說:“我們會(huì)過這一關(guān)的,媽媽?!?
  • 18、In the process he discovered something surprising: it is always possible to guarantee information willget through random interference—"noise"—intact.(在這個(gè)過程中,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些令人驚訝的現(xiàn)象:保證信息能通過隨機(jī)干擾——“噪音”——并完好無損地傳遞出去是完全有可能的。)
  • 19、Unlike visible light waves, these radio waves canget through the various gases and dusts in space, and through our own earth's atmosphere comparatively easily.(與可見光波不同的是,這些無線電波可以較容易地穿過太空中的各種氣體和灰塵,穿過我們地球的大氣層。)
  • 20、When you doget through, you've got to speak quickly before you get cut off.(電話一接通,你得在通話中斷前快點(diǎn)兒說。)
  • 21、If we're dehydrated, our bodies won't have the energy needed toget through the day.(如果我們脫水了,我們的身體就沒有度過這一天所需的能量。)
  • 22、You can also apply if you quit your job but it may be harder toget through.(若你的辭職讓你難以度日,你也同樣可以申請(qǐng)失業(yè)保險(xiǎn)。) Hao86.com
  • 23、I couldn'tget through.(我不能通過。)
  • 24、Connect Intake-tube with intake-tube of air filter of the rewinder, thenget through entering power source.(將進(jìn)氣管與復(fù)卷機(jī)空氣過濾器的進(jìn)氣管相連,然后進(jìn)入電源。)
  • 25、If you do so and canget through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit.(如果你這樣做了,并且能順利完成鍛煉而不被拉向另一個(gè)方向,那么就把它變成一種習(xí)慣吧。)
  • 26、He needs to keep up his flying hours and there are some exams toget through.(他必須跟進(jìn)補(bǔ)上自己的飛行時(shí)數(shù),還得通過一系列的考試。)
  • 27、I canget through each day without having to refer to a manifesto.(我每天可以在不提到宣言的情況下過得很好。)

get through基本釋義

get through

英 [ɡet θru:] 美 [ɡ?t θru] 