help out造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:44:55


help out造句

  • 1、They adored Chelsea and were always there tohelp out.(他們非常疼愛切爾西,總是在我們不方便的時(shí)候過來幫忙照顧她。)
  • 2、They promised tohelp out with the preparation.(他們都保證幫我做準(zhǔn)備工作。)
  • 3、Regulars at his local bar have set up a fund tohelp out.(他的當(dāng)?shù)鼐瓢傻某?蛡円呀?jīng)設(shè)立了一項(xiàng)基金來幫忙解決困難。)
  • 4、Give Chris two or three concrete ideas of ways you canhelp out.(給克里斯兩三條你能協(xié)助的明確、有形的主意。)
  • 5、Heading to college herself in the fall, Fredette is looking to stay local and continue tohelp out in her hometown.(弗雷迪特今年秋天就要上大學(xué)了,她打算留在當(dāng)?shù)?,繼續(xù)在家鄉(xiāng)幫忙。)
  • 6、Ihelp out with the secretarial work.(我?guī)椭雒貢ぷ鳌?
  • 7、Is it more difficult to convince donors tohelp out?(勸說捐贈(zèng)者伸出援手是否更加困難了?)
  • 8、We are trying tohelp out by delivering flour to bakeries.(我們正在設(shè)法給面包店送去面粉,幫助它們度過難關(guān)。)
  • 9、A friend of mine is a volunteer at Hilary Lodge, and I'd like tohelp out, too, if you need more people.(我的一個(gè)朋友是希拉里度假屋的志愿者,如果你需要更多的人,我也愿意幫忙。)
  • 10、My good friend Dave, formerly the Glaswegian Miserablist, tries tohelp out.(我的好朋友、前格拉斯哥悲慘世界成員達(dá)夫也盡力幫忙了。)
  • 11、Estonian experts were dispatched to Georgia tohelp out.(愛沙尼亞專家被派往格魯吉亞幫助解決問題。)
  • 12、Sometimes they are willing tohelp out students with projects like yours.(有時(shí)他們?cè)敢鈳椭鷮W(xué)生完成像你的這種項(xiàng)目。)
  • 13、If you're mad about football, you can choose to work in a sports shop orhelp out at a local football club.(如果你對(duì)足球很著迷,你可以選擇在體育用品商店工作或在當(dāng)?shù)刈闱蚓銟凡繋兔Α?
  • 14、We had hoped that the resident magician who worked here through the summer would be able tohelp out, but they weren't keen on that idea.(我們本希望整個(gè)夏天都在這里工作的常駐魔術(shù)師能幫上忙,但他們對(duì)這個(gè)主意不感興趣。)
  • 15、I decided tohelp out: "Yes, British music is also good."(我決定幫他一下,“是的,英國(guó)音樂也很好聽。”)
  • 16、Get the kids tohelp out.(讓孩子們幫忙。)
  • 17、Somehow, I felt obligated, like I was supposed tohelp out.(不知為什么,我覺得我必須幫助他們。)
  • 18、He's always willing tohelp out.(他總是急人之難。)
  • 19、Ihelp out at the Children's Hospital.(我在兒童醫(yī)院幫忙。)
  • 20、The hitch is that they show few signs of wanting tohelp out.(問題是他們沒有顯示任何想要提出幫助的跡象。)
  • 21、So what can anyone do tohelp out Mom?(那么我們能做什么來幫助這樣的媽媽?)
  • 22、Either put it to the test yourself, orhelp out someone who is trying to travel hopefully with his thumb outstretched.(你可以自己試一試,也可以幫助那些請(qǐng)求搭便車、滿懷希望地去旅行的人。)
  • 23、He's a handy guy always ready tohelp out.(他的手很巧。他也隨時(shí)愿意幫忙。)
  • 24、You’re inviting them tohelp out.(你在找他們幫忙。)
  • 25、I'd rather get more work hours so I can get enough bucks tohelp out my two kids at college.(我寧愿有更多的工作時(shí)間,就能有足夠的錢來幫助我的兩個(gè)孩子上大學(xué)。)
  • 26、Next, you'll see how starting and stopping services canhelp out.(接下來,再來看看啟動(dòng)和停用服務(wù)能為您帶來怎樣的幫助。)
  • 27、What's more, besides getting reading materials, writers canhelp out in the bookstore in exchange for staying there for free.(更重要的是,除了得到閱讀材料,作家可以在書店幫忙來免費(fèi)留宿。)
  • 28、But really, you just have a course leader who is there, sort of, as a coach and guide and tohelp out, and you don't get grades, and you go just because you want to learn.(但實(shí)際上,那里只有一個(gè)課程負(fù)責(zé)人作為教練、指導(dǎo)為你提供幫助,你不會(huì)得到分?jǐn)?shù),你只會(huì)因?yàn)橄雽W(xué)習(xí)而去那里。)

help out基本釋義

help out

英 [help aut] 美 [h?lp a?t] 
幫助解決難題; 救出