feed on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:45:12


feed on造句

  • 1、Snailsfeed on fresh leaves.(蝸牛以新鮮葉子為食。)
  • 2、There's a kind of rat that likes tofeed on the seeds as well.(還有一種老鼠也喜歡吃種子。)
  • 3、The ants therefore cultivate these fungi in their nests, bringing them leaves tofeed on, and then use them as a source of food.("因此,螞蟻在它們的巢中培養(yǎng)這些菌類,用葉子喂養(yǎng)它們,然后把它們當(dāng)作食物來源。)
  • 4、Insectsfeed on plants.(昆蟲吃植物。)
  • 5、Pythons mainlyfeed on birds and small mammals.(蟒主要吃鳥和小的哺乳動(dòng)物。)
  • 6、One of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by cleaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting native flowers that humming birdsfeed on.(人們一直以來采取的保護(hù)蜂鳥棲息地的具體措施之一是清理受到污染的棲息地,然后重栽蜂鳥賴以生存的花草。)
  • 7、As hare density increases, the quantity of these twigs decreases, forcing the hares tofeed on low-quality high-fiber food.(隨著野兔密度的增加,這些樹枝的數(shù)量減少,迫使野兔以低質(zhì)量的高纖維食物為食。)
  • 8、Butterfliesfeed on a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.(蝴蝶以花蜜為食,蜜蜂和其他昆蟲收集花蜜。)
  • 9、Do camelsfeed on grass like horses do?(駱駝像馬一樣以草為食嗎?)
  • 10、What do the Arctic foxes mainlyfeed on?(北極狐主要吃什么?)
  • 11、The crabs come closer to shore at this time of year, Child said, where theyfeed on the seaweed.(螃蟹在每年的這個(gè)時(shí)候會(huì)靠近海岸,恰爾特說,在那里它們以海草為食。)
  • 12、The destruction of coral through land use activities would cause a decrease in the number of predators thatfeed on Acanthaster larvae.(通過土地利用活動(dòng)對(duì)珊瑚的破壞會(huì)導(dǎo)致以棘星幼蟲為食的捕食者數(shù)量減少。)
  • 13、Foxesfeed on small animals.(狐貍以小動(dòng)物為食。)
  • 14、Natural selection favors the parasites that are best able to find andfeed on hosts.(自然選擇偏愛那些最容易找到寄主并以之為食的寄生蟲。)
  • 15、Butterfliesfeed on the flowers of garden plants.(蝴蝶以園林中草木的花為食。)
  • 16、The cowsfeed on grass.(牛以草為食。)
  • 17、For instance, several kinds of birdsfeed on insects flushed out of the grass by grazing cattle.(例如,幾種鳥類以被放牧牛驅(qū)趕的昆蟲為食。)
  • 18、Bacteriafeed on this oil and release hydrogen sulfide gas.(細(xì)菌以這種油為食,并釋放硫化氫氣體。)
  • 19、Some animalsfeed on plants, while othersfeed on these herbivores.(有些動(dòng)物以植物為食,而另一些動(dòng)物又以這些食草動(dòng)物為食。)
  • 20、The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long,feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.(這些體長(zhǎng)不超過一毫米的蟲子以人類皮膚的鱗屑為食,并且產(chǎn)生的過敏原在睡眠時(shí)很容易被吸入。)
  • 21、"There are huge clusters of organic waste they canfeed on," said Flack.(弗拉克說:“有大量的有機(jī)廢物可以供它們食用。”)
  • 22、Some birds alsofeed on kowhai.(有些鳥也吃四翅槐樹。) hAo86.com
  • 23、Squirrelsfeed on nuts.(松鼠以堅(jiān)果為食。)
  • 24、Birdsfeed on nuts and berries in the winter.(鳥類靠堅(jiān)果和漿果過冬。)
  • 25、Owlsfeed on mice and other small animals.(貓頭鷹以老鼠和其他的小動(dòng)物為食。)
  • 26、What do sharksfeed on, mainly fish and other small sea animals?(鯊魚以什么為食,主要是魚類和其他小型海洋動(dòng)物?)
  • 27、These animals shred the prey that fall into the pitcher, and the smaller organismsfeed on the debris.(這些動(dòng)物撕碎掉到水罐里的獵物,而小一些的生物則以殘骸為食。)
  • 28、Butterfliesfeed on a sweet liquid produced by flowers.(蝴蝶以花朵產(chǎn)生的甜液為食。)
  • 29、The caterpillarsfeed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.(毛蟲以各種樹木、灌木叢和植物為食。)
  • 30、This means that king penguins, whichfeed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for longer.(這就意味著以魚類和磷蝦為食的帝企鵝不得不長(zhǎng)途跋涉到它們的覓食地,而饑餓的幼崽則需要等待更長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間。)

feed on基本釋義

feed on

英 [fi:d ?n] 美 [fid ɑn] 
用 ... 喂養(yǎng); 靠吃 ... 過活; 以 ... 為能源