close to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:51:26


close to造句

  • 1、We areclose to signing the agreement.(我們可能很快要簽訂協(xié)議。)
  • 2、The children areclose to each other in age.(這些兒童彼此的年齡很接近。)
  • 3、They were skirmishingclose to the minefield now.(他們當(dāng)時正在雷區(qū)附近小規(guī)模交火。)
  • 4、For my part, I feel elated andclose to tears.(就我而言,我感覺興高采烈,都快哭出來了。)
  • 5、The total wasclose to 20% of the workforce.(總數(shù)接近勞動力的20%。)
  • 6、Our new house isclose to the school.(我們的新房子離學(xué)校很近。)
  • 7、The hotel is conveniently situatedclose to the beach.(那家旅館坐落在海灘附近,非常方便。)
  • 8、We came perilouslyclose to disaster.(我們險些出了大亂子。)
  • 9、The economy is precariouslyclose to recession.(經(jīng)濟瀕于衰退的邊緣。)
  • 10、She was standing dangerouslyclose to the fire.(她站得離火太近,有危險。)
  • 11、If only he would hold herclose to him.(他要是緊緊抱住她就好了。)
  • 12、The new library isclose to completion.(新圖書館快要竣工了。)
  • 13、She knew she wasclose to death.(她知道自己已瀕臨死亡。)
  • 14、This is a subject veryclose to my heart.(這是我十分關(guān)心的一個話題。)
  • 15、An airliner cameclose to disaster while approaching Kennedy Airport.(一架客機在飛近肯尼迪機場時險些出事。)
  • 16、She soundedclose to tears.(她聽起來就要哭了。)
  • 17、Campsites are usually situated along the coast,close to beaches.(宿營地通常都在海岸邊,靠近沙灘的地方。)
  • 18、Her lips wereclose to his head and her breath tickled his ear.(她的嘴唇靠近他的頭,她的氣息輕撓他的耳朵。)
  • 19、We were staying in a seedy hotelclose to the red light district.(我們住在靠近紅燈區(qū)的一家臟亂的旅館里。)
  • 20、The campsite isclose to all local amenities.(營地緊靠當(dāng)?shù)厮械谋憷O(shè)施。)
  • 21、Sisulu spentclose to 30 years in prison.(西蘇魯在監(jiān)獄里呆了近三十年。)
  • 22、I wasclose to tears as I told them the news.(我告訴他們這一消息時都快要哭了出來。)
  • 23、She is veryclose to her father.(她和父親的關(guān)系很親密。)
  • 24、Most urban areas areclose to a park.(大多數(shù)城區(qū)都靠近公園。)
  • 25、Children craned to getclose to him.(孩子們伸長脖子想靠近他。)
  • 26、His feeling for her wasclose to hatred.(他對她的感情近乎仇恨。)
  • 27、The fate line beginsclose to the wrist.(命運線始于接近手腕處。)
  • 28、With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craftclose to the reef.(漁夫艱難地駕著小船靠近了礁石。)
  • 29、He'd comeclose to death.(他曾與死神擦肩而過。)
  • 30、He wasclose to tears.(他幾乎快掉眼淚了。)

close to基本釋義

close to

英 [kl?uz tu:] 美 [kloz tu] 
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