
come along造句

come along造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:51:28


come along造句

  • 1、"come along in, and have some lunch," he said, diplomatically, "and we'll talk it over."(“進來,吃點午飯吧,”他圓滑地說,“我們好好談?wù)劇!?
  • 2、There's a barbecue tonight and you're very welcome tocome along.(今晚有個燒烤野餐,非常歡迎你一起來。)
  • 3、come along, old chap, and I'll ask the widow to let up on you a little, Huck.(走吧,哈克,老伙計,我去跟寡婦講,讓她對你要求寬容一些。)
  • 4、come along and let's look him up.(來吧,我們?nèi)フ宜?
  • 5、come along with me, boys, you are keeping everybody waiting.(跟我來,孩子們,大家都在等你們呢。)
  • 6、"Yes,come along, field-mice," cried the Mole eagerly.(“是的,走吧,田鼠們?!饼B鼠急切地叫道。)
  • 7、come along, Becky--we're all right now!(走吧,貝基——我們現(xiàn)在沒事了!)
  • 8、She invited everyone she knew tocome along.(她邀請了所有認識的人過來。)
  • 9、come along! We're late.(快點!我們遲到了。)
  • 10、We're going for a swim. Why don't youcome along?(我們要去游泳。你干嗎不一起去?)
  • 11、come along in, both of you, at once.(快進來,你們兩個,快。)
  • 12、come along, Huck, we've been in here a long time.(走吧,哈克,我們在這兒待了很久了。)
  • 13、come along! It's easy!(再加把勁!這很容易!)
  • 14、OK. You cancome along with me.(好吧,你可以跟我一起來。)
  • 15、Would you like tocome along with us to the film tonight?(今晚你愿意和我們一起去看電影嗎?)
  • 16、Your French hascome along a lot recently.(你的法語最近進步很大。)
  • 17、come along; come into the kitchen.(過來,到廚房來。)
  • 18、Youcome along back to your own nursery or I'll box your ears.(你快回你自己的育兒室去,否則我就打你耳光。)
  • 19、come along and have some of this cold tongue.(過來吃點冷口條。)
  • 20、Do you want me tocome along and hold your hand?(你想讓我過去幫你一把嗎?)
  • 21、I'm not getting married in a hurry—I'm waiting for Mr Right tocome along.(我不想匆忙結(jié)婚—我在等著如意郎君的出現(xiàn)。)
  • 22、"come along, Mole," he said anxiously, as soon as he caught sight of them.(“走吧,莫爾?!彼豢匆娝麄?,就著急地說。)
  • 23、Oh,come along, Mole, do!(噢,來吧,莫爾,來呀!)
  • 24、"All right,come along, if you care so much," he said, taking her by the hand.(“好吧,走吧,如果你這么在乎的話?!彼f,拉起她的手。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 25、I wish you couldcome along.(我希望你能一起來。)
  • 26、Do you want tocome along?(你想一起去嗎?)
  • 27、come along in, all of you, and warm yourselves by the fire, and have something hot!(你們都進來吧,烤烤火,暖和暖和,吃點熱東西!)
  • 28、Get up as quickly as you can andcome along with us.(趕快起來,跟我們一起走。)
  • 29、come along, you two, and I'll show you your quarters.(你們兩個跟我來,我領(lǐng)你們?nèi)ツ銈兊淖√帯?
  • 30、Do you think we should invite some others tocome along?(你認為我們應(yīng)該邀請其他人一起來嗎?)

come along基本釋義

come along

英 [k?m ??l??] 美 [k?m ??l??] 

到來; 快點; 一起向前走; 進步