
of course造句

of course造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:51:17


of course造句

  • 1、of course I'm not afraid!(當(dāng)然我不怕!)
  • 2、The banker chuckled and said, "of course not."(銀行家輕聲笑了,說道,“當(dāng)然不?!?
  • 3、"of course I don't know her," Roger snapped.(“我當(dāng)然不認識她,”羅杰惡聲惡氣地說。)
  • 4、of course I'm coming—I don't want to miss out on all the fun!(我當(dāng)然要來—我可不想錯失好玩的機會。)
  • 5、of course we'll change it for a larger size, Madam.(夫人,我們當(dāng)然會給您掉換件大號的。)
  • 6、'Can you start on Monday?' Amy gave a gulp. 'of course,' she said.(“你星期一動身可以嗎?”埃米吸了一口氣?!爱?dāng)然可以?!彼f。)
  • 7、of course she can do it. She's just being deliberately obstructive.(這事她當(dāng)然能做。她只是在刻意阻撓罷了。)
  • 8、"He was lying,of course."—"Not necessarily."(“他當(dāng)然是在撒謊。”—“不一定?!?
  • 9、'of course there's something wrong!' Jem exploded.(“當(dāng)然是出了毛??!”杰姆大發(fā)雷霆道。)
  • 10、of course I'll help you. That goes without saying.(我當(dāng)然會幫你。這還用說嗎?)
  • 11、You canof course help by giving them a donation directly.(你當(dāng)然可以通過直接給他們一筆捐贈來幫助他們。)
  • 12、There are,of course, deeper meanings in the poem.(當(dāng)然,這首詩里還有更深層的含義。)
  • 13、'I did all I could to help.' 'of course,' he murmured gently.(“我盡全力幫忙了?!薄爱?dāng)然。”他輕聲低語道。)
  • 14、of course, the old school tie has been a help.(校友關(guān)系當(dāng)然是幫了忙的。)
  • 15、of course, there are other ways of doing this.(當(dāng)然還有別的方法做這件事。)
  • 16、"I guess you're right."—"of course I'm right!"(“我想你是對的。”—“當(dāng)然我是對的?!?
  • 17、of course I was upset—just put yourself in my place.(我當(dāng)然不高興—你設(shè)身處地為我想想。)
  • 18、of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg.(我當(dāng)然不會告訴他們;我只是和你開玩笑的。)
  • 19、"I have read about you in the newspapersof course," Charlie said.(“我當(dāng)然在各報紙讀過關(guān)于你的報道,”查理說。)
  • 20、My letter is,of course, strictly private and confidential.(當(dāng)然,我的信純屬私人信件,務(wù)須保密。)
  • 21、of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote.(當(dāng)然,那得是通過不記名投票。)
  • 22、of course, this is just a personal opinion.(當(dāng)然了,這只是個人意見。)
  • 23、Ben,of course, was the last to arrive.(本當(dāng)然是最后一個到的。)
  • 24、This,of course, is utter nonsense.(這當(dāng)然純屬胡言亂語。)
  • 25、Some people,of course, denied the validity of any such claim.(當(dāng)然,一些人否認任何此類說法的可信性。)
  • 26、of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.(那當(dāng)然不合乎事實,這個想法太荒唐了!)
  • 27、of course he'll still haggle over the price.(當(dāng)然他仍然要討價還價。)
  • 28、of course, literacy isn't the same thing as intelligence.(當(dāng)然,識字與智力不是一回事。)
  • 29、of course, in addition to my weekly pay, I got a lot of tips.(當(dāng)然,除了周薪外,我還得到很多小費。)
  • 30、Thomas,of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.(當(dāng)然,托馬斯冷靜、超脫且遇事沉著。)

of course基本釋義

of course

英 [?v k??(r)s] 美 [?v k??(r)s] 

當(dāng)然,自然; 敢情; 自是; 理當(dāng)