fall for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:50:41


fall for造句

  • 1、tofall for someone = to fall in love: "He always falls for the wrong types!"(與某人墜入愛(ài)河(也寫(xiě)作tofallinlove):“他總是愛(ài)錯(cuò)了人!”)
  • 2、How could Tyler notfall for that.(泰勒怎么可能不喜歡這些呢。)
  • 3、But are these not the lovable characteristics that made youfall for us in the first place?(可是這不就是讓你們對(duì)我們一見(jiàn)鐘情的可愛(ài)特點(diǎn)之一嗎?)
  • 4、You didn'tfall for that old story, did you?(你沒(méi)被那老把戲給騙了吧?) haO86.com
  • 5、Gold prices canfall for years, even decades, in real terms.(按實(shí)際價(jià)格計(jì)算,金價(jià)的下跌可以持續(xù)幾年甚至是幾十年。)
  • 6、Or wefall for the fallacies that other people offer us.(或者我們陷入其他人提供的謬論。)
  • 7、Inflation would continue tofall for most of the next 20 years.(通貨膨脹還在那以后的20年中持續(xù)下跌。)
  • 8、You must think I'm pretty stupid tofall for that line. It takes a lot more guts to do your own thing.(你肯定會(huì)認(rèn)為我太笨了,就為了這句話喝了酒。但做自己想做的事情需要很大的勇氣。)
  • 9、It's even easier to see how self-employed peoplefall for this happiness killer.(自由職業(yè)者更容易上這種幸福殺手的當(dāng)。)
  • 10、But more and more young peoplefall for coffee.(但是現(xiàn)在越來(lái)越多的人喜歡上咖啡了。)
  • 11、You're too intelligent tofall for his flattery.(你很聰明,不會(huì)受他的阿諛?lè)畛兴蟆?
  • 12、And menfall for them.(并讓男人們?yōu)橹畠A倒。)
  • 13、Don'tfall for the marketing trick either of "low fat", because that usually means "more sugar".(不要陷入所謂“低脂”的營(yíng)銷陷阱,因?yàn)檫@通常意味著更多糖分。)
  • 14、That means Wall Street will have to wait until thefall for another shot.(這也就意味著華爾街要等到秋天才能再次發(fā)力。)
  • 15、It has been a spectacular rise andfall for Japan.(日本的崛起和衰落都是這么轟轟烈烈。)
  • 16、Don'tfall for the ads.(不要掉入陷阱,不要輕信廣告。)
  • 17、If a woman wants to enchant a man, she is wise to play his pupil. Menfall for this.(若是一個(gè)女人意欲取悅一個(gè)男人,她最好跟他談點(diǎn)兒年少夢(mèng)想什么的,男人通常都吃這一套。)
  • 18、Unexpectedly, we were hit with a big snowfall for which no one was prepared.(我們意外地遭遇一場(chǎng)大雪的襲擊,沒(méi)人做好準(zhǔn)備。)
  • 19、Her grades on the coming exams willfall for sure.(在即將到來(lái)的考試?yán)铮某煽?jī)肯定會(huì)下降。)
  • 20、And why do wefall for it, year after year?(而我們又為什么年復(fù)一年為之傾倒?)
  • 21、Luckily Nigel did notfall for the trap.(幸運(yùn)的是奈杰爾沒(méi)有上當(dāng)。)
  • 22、Maybe he'llfall for it this time!(這一次它可望落入陷阱。)
  • 23、You must think I'm pretty stupid tofall for that line.(你肯定會(huì)認(rèn)為我太笨了,就為了這句話喝了酒。)
  • 24、So, they make up a more complex lie, and the women tend tofall for it!(因此,他們不得不編織一個(gè)更加復(fù)雜的謊言,女人對(duì)這個(gè)謊言卻深信不移。)

fall for基本釋義

fall for

英 [f?:l f?:] 美 [f?l f?r] 