
reach out造句

reach out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:50:52


reach out造句

  • 1、Having a person, instead of a computer,reach out to you is particularly important in combating that sense of isolation.(讓一個人而不是讓一臺電腦對你伸出援手,這對減輕那種孤立感尤為重要。)
  • 2、Maybe someone can help youreach out to him.(也許有人可以幫助您勸勸他。)
  • 3、reach out to your consumer and help them succeed.(伸出手去幫助你的客戶,幫助他們成功。)
  • 4、"By all means,reach out to your social network, but as you cast a wide net looking for job prospects, be conscious of every email you send," Fay suggests.(Fay建議:“用一切方法接觸你的社交網(wǎng)絡(luò),但是,在你廣撒網(wǎng)找工作機(jī)會的時候,也要注意你發(fā)出的每封郵件。”)
  • 5、reach out and touch your songs. View your album art full-size.(調(diào)出并觸摸一下所選的歌曲,你就可以全頻觀看相冊了。)
  • 6、Matt Rubinoff directs I'm First, a nonprofit organization launched last October toreach out to this specific population of students.(MattRubinoff管理的I'mFirst是一個非盈利組織,于去年10月成立,旨在接觸這一特定的學(xué)生群體。)
  • 7、Open yourself up, and be friendly, andreach out.(敞開心扉,友好地伸出雙手。)
  • 8、People whoreach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging.(向陌生人伸出援助之手的人能感受到更強(qiáng)烈的歸屬感。)
  • 9、From here, the mountains look as if you could justreach out and touch them.(從這里看,山脈就像你伸手就能摸到一樣。)
  • 10、Now we want toreach out and get our point of view across.(現(xiàn)在,我們希望接觸外界,讓大家了解我們的觀點。)
  • 11、There is a temptation toreach out and help the eating process.(吃東西時,人們總?cè)滩蛔∠胗檬謳兔Α?
  • 12、That means we canreach out to them in very targeted ways.(它意味著我們可以一種高度定向的方式接觸到消費(fèi)者。)
  • 13、We alsoreach out to other countries when they are in need.(在其他國家遇到困難的時候,我們也同樣伸出援助之手。)
  • 14、When she's ready, tell her toreach out for that second bar.(當(dāng)她準(zhǔn)備好了,讓她去抓第二根攀吊架上的條。)
  • 15、reach out to people who would harm you.(接觸很有可能傷害你的人。)
  • 16、Julie: Step number one.reach out for help.(朱莉:第一步是尋求幫助。)
  • 17、Dunn believes that people whoreach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others.(鄧恩認(rèn)為,向陌生人伸出援手的人會感到一種強(qiáng)烈的歸屬感,那是一種與他人建立聯(lián)系的紐帶。)
  • 18、Who do you need toreach out to this Christmas?(這個圣誕節(jié),有誰是你需要接觸的?)
  • 19、reach out for help.(尋求幫助。)
  • 20、He is likely also toreach out to Syria.(他可能也會參與敘利亞事宜。)
  • 21、We should be confident enough toreach out to them.(所以我們要有足夠的自信,向他們伸出我們的手。)
  • 22、North American airlines, having exhausted all means of earning customer loyalty at home, have been looking for ways toreach out to foreign flyers.(北美航空公司已經(jīng)竭盡所能贏得了本土客戶的忠誠度,他們一直在尋找方法吸引海外客戶。)
  • 23、reach out and touch the ground or the floor, what does it feel like?(伸出手觸摸那里的地面或地板,感覺如何?)
  • 24、Don't you want to justreach out and pinch it? It's so cute.(你難道不想伸出手輕輕捏一下它嗎?它實在太可愛了。)
  • 25、I also had toreach out to victims' families.(我必需去探訪受害者的家庭。)
  • 26、reach out and touch each other.(伸出手腳觸摸彼此。)
  • 27、One wouldreach out and touch the other.(這樣一個人伸出胳膊可以碰到另外一個人。)
  • 28、When students feel isolated or confused andreach out with questions that go unanswered, their motivation to continue begins to fade.(當(dāng)學(xué)生感到孤立或困惑,他們提出的問題沒有被回答時,他們繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)的動力就開始減弱。)

reach out基本釋義

reach out

英 [ri:t? aut] 美 [rit? a?t] 
伸出; 伸展
