
carry out造句

carry out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:50:15


carry out造句

  • 1、The authority failed tocarry out its statutory duties.(主管部門未履行自己的法定職責。)
  • 2、All schools shouldcarry out regular health and safety inspections.(所有的學校都應該進行定期的安全衛(wèi)生檢查。)
  • 3、It was very important for the mission we were going tocarry out.(它對我們將要執(zhí)行的任務非常重要。)
  • 4、Make sure the firm is competent tocarry out the work.(要確保這家公司有能力完成這項工作。)
  • 5、They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability tocarry out the deal we signed last November.(他們想知道經濟危機是否會影響我們對去年11月簽署的協議的執(zhí)行能力。)
  • 6、We do not ordinarilycarry out this type of work.(我們通常不會實際去做這類工作。)
  • 7、The navy is tocarry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow.(海軍明天將會對失事船只作仔細檢查。)
  • 8、She didn't think that he was well enough tocarry out such an exacting task.(她認為他身體不是很好,不能執(zhí)行如此艱巨的任務。)
  • 9、It's just talk. He'd nevercarry out his threats.(這只不過是說說而已。他絕不會把他的恫嚇付諸行動。)
  • 10、Animals, even insects,carry out what look like very complex decision making processes.(動物,甚至昆蟲,都執(zhí)行著看起來非常復雜的決策過程。)
  • 11、It may help to have a pencil and paper ready to check claims andcarry out experiments.(準備好一支鉛筆和一張紙可以幫你隨時驗證論斷,并進行實驗。)
  • 12、I myself will firmlycarry out this plan.(我本人將堅決執(zhí)行這個計劃。)
  • 13、It is also being used tocarry out experiments.(它還被用于進行實驗。)
  • 14、The company's doctor found that she was unfit tocarry out her normal work.(公司的醫(yī)生認為,她不宜從事正常工作。)
  • 15、At school, pupils prepare for adult life by learning tocarry out almost all the tasks which they will face when they grow older.(在學校里,學生們通過學習完成他們長大后將要面對的幾乎所有的任務來為成年后的生活做準備。)
  • 16、He may be forced tocarry out his threat to resign.(他可能會迫不得已將自己揚言要辭職的威脅付諸實施。) Hao86.com
  • 17、They alsocarry out research work aimed at extending man's knowledge of these subjects.(他們還開展旨在擴充人類對這些學科的知識的研究工作。)
  • 18、They're able tocarry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people.(他們能夠進行有針對性的活動來欺騙人們。)
  • 19、You must delegate effectively and empower people tocarry out their roles with your full support.(你們必須有效地下放權力,使人們能夠在你們的全力支持下履行他們的職責。)
  • 20、Having declared he needed more money tocarry out the task he took charge of, he rushed to the construction site.(他聲稱需要更多錢來完成他所負責的工作,隨后他就沖到工地去了。)
  • 21、She is prepared tocarry out her threat to resign.(對于將辭職的要挾付諸行動,她已做好了思想準備。)
  • 22、The two states will join the 25-nation bloc provided theycarry out reforms.(這兩個國家將加入25國集團,前提是他們要進行改革。)
  • 23、She needed a clear head tocarry out her instructions.(她需要一個清醒的頭腦來執(zhí)行命令。)
  • 24、But which activities should we choose, and how should wecarry out these activities?(但是我們應該選擇哪些活動,又該如何開展這些活動呢?)
  • 25、He gave himself a new name to hide his identity when he went tocarry out the secret task.(他執(zhí)行一項秘密任務時,給自己起了一個新的名字來掩蓋身份。)
  • 26、More often than not, it is easier to make a plan than tocarry out a plan.(通常情況下,制定計劃比執(zhí)行計劃更容易。)
  • 27、It is another thing to have a supply of trained talent that could let youcarry out this promise.(擁有一批訓練有素的人才,讓你實現這一承諾,這是另一回事。)
  • 28、After two trials, we began tocarry out the task for real.(兩次試驗之后,我們開始真正執(zhí)行任務。)

carry out基本釋義

carry out

英 [?k?ri aut] 美 [?k?ri a?t] 