set sail造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:50:03


set sail造句

  • 1、Horn sounded, immediatelyset sail.(號角響起,即刻起航。)
  • 2、This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus firstset sail on his journey of discovery to America.(這是在克里斯托弗。哥倫布第一次起航發(fā)現(xiàn)美洲之旅的近一個世紀以前。)
  • 3、2we found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, went on board andset sail.(遇見一只船,要往腓尼基去,就上船起行。)
  • 4、Soon after the shipset sail, a terrible storm blew up.(很快,在船啟航以后,一場可怕的暴風(fēng)雨就來臨了。)
  • 5、It probablyset sail from Guangzhou, the largest of the ports linked by the Maritime Silk Route.(而且很有可能事在廣州啟航,當(dāng)時的廣州是海上絲綢之路的港口中最大的港口。)
  • 6、The shipset sail this morning.(這艘輪船今天早晨起航了。)
  • 7、Theyset sail with the first fair wind.(順風(fēng)一起他們就揚帆出航了。)
  • 8、The boatsset sail from Cyprus on Friday and arrived in Gaza after a 32-hour journey on the Mediterranean Sea.(這兩艘船星期五從塞浦路斯啟航,在地中海上經(jīng)過32個小時的航程抵達加沙。)
  • 9、"If pirate ships were toset sail from Leningrad, we wouldn't let them get away with that," he said.(“如果海盜船將要從列寧格勒啟航,我們不會讓他們逍遙法外的,”他說。)
  • 10、So the sailors hoisted the flags andset sail.(于是海員升起船旗出發(fā)了。)
  • 11、As the shipset sail.(船啟航時,湯姆揮了揮手。)
  • 12、How many shipsset sail with his second expedition?(那么他第二次遠征航行時一共有多少艘船呢?)
  • 13、He loaded his vessel with another cargo andset sail.(他又往他的船上裝了一件貨就啟航了。)
  • 14、A Viking ship made from 15 million ice-cream sticksset sail for England from the Netherlands Tuesday.(4月8日,一艘用1500萬支雪糕棒粘制而成的巨型"海盜船"從荷蘭起航,前往英國。)
  • 15、The biggest problem with the Titanic wasn't that the captain was expecting a safe journey when heset sail.(泰坦尼克號悲劇的最大問題并不是船長在啟航時就預(yù)期一帆風(fēng)順。)
  • 16、Hope in zhuo sail, dreamset sail in zhuo.(希望在濯中揚帆,夢想在濯中起航。)
  • 17、The surest way is toset sail in one direction and not stop until you're home again.(最為確定的方法是向一個方向航行,而且不要停止知道你回到家為止。)
  • 18、To do the masters of time, for every seconds, when the shipset sail hard, you are ready?(做時間的主人,爭取每一分每一秒,當(dāng)拼搏之船啟航時,你是否準備好了?)
  • 19、A ship carrying international aid to the Palestinian-ruled Gaza Strip hasset sail, raising concerns in Israel.(一艘向巴勒斯坦控制的加沙地帶運送國際援助物資的貨船已經(jīng)啟航,并引起以色列的關(guān)注。)
  • 20、We embarked on board a good ship, and, after recommending ourselves to God,set sail.(我們搭乘了一艘很好的船,向上帝祈禱之后,啟航了。)
  • 21、Leonard:set sail for Piggy Island!(倫納德:揚帆向豬島起航!)
  • 22、Theyset sail from China for Japan.(他們從中國啟程前往日本。)
  • 23、Weset sail (for France) at high tide.(我們在漲潮時起航(前往法國)。)
  • 24、Assuming everything goes to plan, Domjan says he hopes toset sail in the spring of 2011.(假設(shè)一切按照計劃進行,Domjan說他希望在2011年的春天起航。)
  • 25、set sail in style with Luxury Liner Tycoon!(豪華游艇大亨揚帆起航!)
  • 26、After the College Entrance Examination, we will bid farewell to each other andset sail for an unknown future.(高考結(jié)束后,我們將告別彼此并啟航駛向未知的未來。)

set sail基本釋義

set sail

英 [set seil] 美 [s?t sel] 

起航; 啟航; 揚帆; 起錨