as well造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:49:47


as well造句

  • 1、You knowas well as I do that you're being unreasonable.(其實(shí)你完全明白你是在故意胡攪蠻纏。)
  • 2、The menu contained traditional favouritesas well as more adventurous dishes.(這份菜單有受歡迎的傳統(tǒng)菜,也有較為新奇的菜肴。)
  • 3、Hey, that's an idea! And we could get a band,as well.(嘿,好主意!而且我們還可以找支樂隊(duì)。)
  • 4、The mind needs exerciseas well as the body.(大腦同身體一樣需要鍛煉。)
  • 5、Are they comingas well?(他們也來(lái)嗎?)
  • 6、And he had to have these drops in his eyesas well.(而且他還必須把這些藥水滴進(jìn)眼睛里。)
  • 7、Coursework is taken into accountas well as exam results.(除考試結(jié)果外,課程作業(yè)也要計(jì)入成績(jī)。)
  • 8、As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adultsas well as children.(她說得對(duì),這種病不僅影響兒童,也會(huì)影響成年人。)
  • 9、If I've got to go somewhere I mayas well go to Tulsa.(如果我必須去一個(gè)地方的話,我就去塔爾薩吧。)
  • 10、Evening primrose oil is used on the skinas well as taken internally.(夜來(lái)香油可外用在皮膚上,也可內(nèi)服。)
  • 11、He did well in the heats ; hopefully he'll doas well in the final.(他在預(yù)賽中成績(jī)很好,且有望在決賽中也有同樣出色的表現(xiàn)。)
  • 12、This year numerous bands are playing,as well as comedy acts.(今年有許多樂隊(duì)在表演,也有喜劇節(jié)目。)
  • 13、He's modest,as well as being a great player.(他是一個(gè)謙虛而且出色的運(yùn)動(dòng)員。)
  • 14、The movie will appeal to adultsas well as children.(這部電影除了將吸引兒童外,還會(huì)吸引成年人。)
  • 15、He's got plenty of brainsas well as brawn.(他四肢發(fā)達(dá),頭腦也不簡(jiǎn)單。)
  • 16、I could write for TVas well as any of those goofs.(我寫的電視劇肯定不比那些蠢蛋寫得差。)
  • 17、I didn't bargain on finding them hereas well.(我沒想到還會(huì)在這里遇到他們。)
  • 18、The weather was so bad we might justas well have stayed at home.(天氣糟糕透了,還不如待在家里好。)
  • 19、Flowers are chosen for their scentas well as their look.(花兒不僅憑外觀也憑香味而被選中。)
  • 20、In this job you need brainsas well as brawn.(這項(xiàng)工作耗神又耗力。)
  • 21、Then they actually beat her upas well.(然后他們事實(shí)上也毒打了她一頓。)
  • 22、He displayed determinationas well as powerful oratory.(他既展示了雄辯的演講術(shù)又顯示了決心。)
  • 23、He plays classical music,as well as pop and jazz.(他演奏流行音樂和爵士樂,同時(shí)也演奏古典音樂。)
  • 24、The couple mightas well have been strangers.(這對(duì)夫婦簡(jiǎn)直就像是陌路人。)
  • 25、We mightas well finish up the cake.(我們倒不如把蛋糕吃完。)
  • 26、It would be justas well to call and say we might be late.(還是打個(gè)電話說一聲我們可能到得晚些比較好。)
  • 27、She doesn't playas well as her sister.(她演奏得不如她姐姐。)
  • 28、Anyway, you're here; you mightas well stay.(無(wú)論如何你已在這里,你就留下來(lái)吧。)
  • 29、Unfortunately for him, his title brought obligationsas well as privileges.(對(duì)他來(lái)說遺憾的是,他的頭銜既帶來(lái)了特權(quán)也帶來(lái)了義務(wù)。)

as well基本釋義

as well

英 [?z wel] 美 [?z w?l] 