
by chance造句

by chance造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:47


by chance造句

  • 1、These products aren't habit-formingby chance.(這些產(chǎn)品并不是偶然形成的。)
  • 2、He met a womanby chance at a party.(他碰巧在一個宴會上遇到了一名女子。)
  • 3、Several years after they'd split up they met againby chance in Paris.(他們分手幾年以后在巴黎又偶然相遇。)
  • 4、The site came to light onlyby chance.(這個地點偶然間才被發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 5、I met herby chance.(我偶然碰到她。)
  • 6、An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discoveredby chance a long lost antique vase.(一位藝術(shù)家最近乘渡船到南島時,偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個丟失已久的古董花瓶。)
  • 7、The ones that stay in place are probablyby chance, and the ones that stay in the bottom are often trapped there by high fees.(那些保持住地位的很可能是偶然的,而那些一直在底位的往往被高昂的費用困在那里。)
  • 8、It is notby chance that the Funeral March is not the last movement of the Eroica Symphony, but the second.(《葬禮進行曲》不是《英雄交響曲》的最后樂章,而是第二樂章,這并非偶然。)
  • 9、In this house nothing is thereby chance: it is always the result of great deliberation.(在這房子里,沒有什么東西是偶然的——總是非常仔細考慮后的結(jié)果。)
  • 10、They found these autobiographiesby chance.(他們偶然間發(fā)現(xiàn)了這些自傳。)
  • 11、Maybe it happenedby chance, maybe one language was heavily influenced by borrowed words from the other.(也許這是偶然發(fā)生的,也許是一種語言深受另一種語言的借用詞影響。)
  • 12、I met himby chance out walking yesterday.(昨天出去散步時我無意中遇到了他。)
  • 13、They are just thereby chance.(它們只是偶然在這兒。)
  • 14、A beautifully preserved boat, made around 3,000 years ago and discoveredby chance in a muddy hole, has had a profound impact on archaeological research.((考古學家)在一個泥濘的洞里偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)了一艘大約3000年前制造的保存完好的船只,其對考古學研究產(chǎn)生了深遠的影響。)
  • 15、Any of you happened to be familiar with the Greek word for "sun"by chance?(你們中有誰碰巧熟悉希臘語中“太陽”的意思?)
  • 16、I met herby chance on the street.(我恰巧在街上遇到了她。)
  • 17、An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discoveredby chance a long lost antique Greek vase.(一位藝術(shù)家最近乘渡船去南島時,偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個丟失已久的古希臘花瓶。)
  • 18、He had met Mr. Maudeby chance.(他曾與莫德先生邂逅。)
  • 19、eg: I heard their talkingby chance.(我碰巧聽見了他們的對話。)
  • 20、They metby chance.(他們不期而遇。)
  • 21、Danielle was among the last to find out, and as often happens, too, she learned of it onlyby chance.(丹妮爾是最后一個才知道的人之一,而且同往常一樣,她也只是偶然聽到的。) hAo86.com
  • 22、Although we have only metby chance, I can see you are a very remarkable girl with a clear purpose in life.(雖然我們萍水相逢,可是我覺得你是個了不起的有志氣的姑娘。)
  • 23、by chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd.(偶然摧折或自然地老去。)
  • 24、I came hereby chance.(我碰巧來到這。)
  • 25、It was onlyby chance that I found you here.(我也是碰巧在這兒見到你的。)
  • 26、I came hereby chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl came up to me.(我碰巧來到這里,正在看熱鬧,這時一個女孩向我走來。)
  • 27、I saw the letter purelyby chance.(我看見這封信純屬偶然。)
  • 28、"Tell me," asked the Pigeon, "do youby chance know of a Marionette, Pinocchio by name?"(“告訴我,”鴿子問,“你碰巧認識一個叫皮諾喬的木偶嗎?”)

by chance基本釋義

by chance

英 [bai t?ɑ:ns] 美 [ba? t??ns] 
偶然; 碰巧