
belong to造句

belong to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:45


belong to造句

  • 1、Frank saw and felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with what does notbelong to him.(弗蘭克看到并感覺到,一個不去干涉不屬于他的東西的孩子會多么快樂。)
  • 2、While the two are only days apart in age they seem tobelong to wholly different generations.(雖然這兩位年齡上只有幾天之差,但他們好像屬于完全不同年代的人。)
  • 3、Bothbelong to clubs and sports teams.(他們都屬于俱樂部和運動隊。)
  • 4、Lions and tigersbelong to the cat family.(獅子和老虎屬于貓科。)
  • 5、If I were to live, this place would sometimebelong to me.(只要我活下去,這個地方終有一天會屬于我。)
  • 6、The picturesbelong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.(這些圖片源于上層社會占據(jù)主流的時代。)
  • 7、Whom did the $20 billbelong to?(這20美元的賬單是屬于誰的?)
  • 8、Lionsbelong to the cat family.(獅屬于貓科。)
  • 9、Do youbelong to any professional or trade associations?(你參加了專業(yè)學會或行業(yè)協(xié)會沒有?)
  • 10、Oh, anybody can run a tick down that don'tbelong to them.(哦,任何人都要對不屬于自己的東西都要貶低一番。)
  • 11、It's very exciting, but if you think you know everything you don't need to learn, you don'tbelong to us. I always need to learn.(這很令人興奮,但如果你認為,你什么知道,你不需要學習了,那么你不再屬于我們。)
  • 12、Also, stereotypes are often positive, particularly of groups that we ourselvesbelong to.(此外,刻板印象通常是積極的,尤其是對我們自己所屬的群體。)
  • 13、Horner, a paleontologist at Montana State University, suspects the remains of Nanotyrranus maybelong to a young Tyrannosaurus rex.(蒙大拿州立大學的古生物學家霍納懷疑那些短暴龍的遺骸可能屬于一只年輕的雷克斯霸王龍。)
  • 14、His novelsbelong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.(他的小說屬于一個輝煌但已逝去的時代。一句話,已經(jīng)過時了。)
  • 15、What matters is that they willbelong to a private monopoly which developed them using public resources.(關鍵之處在于,它們將歸屬于一個利用公共資源開發(fā)它們的私人壟斷企業(yè)。)
  • 16、I would onlybelong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly nonviolent.(我只會投身一個明確宣稱只用非暴力手段的環(huán)護運動。)
  • 17、It couldbelong to anyone.(它可以屬于任何人。)
  • 18、All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing — returning something that did notbelong to him.(所有的好運都是因為比利做了正確的事——把不屬于他的東西還了回來。)
  • 19、Who has taught you to take things that do notbelong to you?(誰教你拿不屬于你的東西?)
  • 20、These magazines maybelong to her.(這些雜志可能屬于她。)
  • 21、I used tobelong to a youth club.(我曾是一個青年俱樂部的成員。)
  • 22、Many people still believe untidy desksbelong to slobs, whose disorganization will make them unsatisfactory as colleagues and employees.(許多人仍然相信,不整潔的桌子屬于懶漢,他們的雜亂無章會讓它們成為無法令人滿意的同事和雇員。)
  • 23、The contents of shipwrecksbelong to the state.(一切沉船中的物品均屬國家所有。)
  • 24、Yet despite the muddle over what the markers of class are these days, 71% of those polled by YouGov still said they found it very or fairly easy to figure out which class othersbelong to.(然而,盡管這些日子里人們對階級的標志是什么還很困惑,但在YouGov的民意調(diào)查中,71%的受訪者仍然表示,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)要弄清楚其他人屬于哪個階級是非常或相當容易的。)
  • 25、The islandsbelong to Spain.(這些島嶼隸屬西班牙。)
  • 26、You do notbelong to this country?(你不屬于這個國家嗎?)
  • 27、Theybelong to a class of sugar-based chemical compounds, also known as flavonoids.(它們屬于一類糖基化合物,這種化合物也被稱為黃酮。)
  • 28、Who does this watchbelong to?(這塊表是誰的?) haO86.com
  • 29、Theybelong to many different, and often antagonistic, clans and tribes, with no common language or religion.(他們屬于許多不同的,往往是敵對的宗族和部落,沒有共同語言或宗教。)
  • 30、Even such a name as Simpson maybelong to this last group, and not to the first, had the family once had its home in the ancient village of that name.(即使辛普森這樣的名字也可能屬于最后一類,而不是第一類,如果這個家族曾經(jīng)在同名的古老村莊里有自己的家的話。)

belong to基本釋義

belong to

英 [bi?l?? tu:] 美 [b??l?? tu] 
屬于; 為 ... 之一員