die out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:45


die out造句

  • 1、Laws should be passed to protect pandas. Otherwise, they are certain todie out.(應(yīng)該通過法律保護熊貓。否則,他們一定會滅絕的。)
  • 2、The man waiting to die on death row... or the man wishing he'ddie out in the woodshed.(那個在死牢里等死的男人…還是這個希望死在柴房的男人。)
  • 3、Conversely, if the fire starts todie out and you put a large log on the smoldering embers, the log just sits.(相反地,如果火開始滅了并且您將一大塊原木放在熏燒的余燼上,那么原木就正好將火熄滅了。)
  • 4、The line of Korah, however, did notdie out.(然而可拉的眾子沒有死亡。)
  • 5、There’s the very real concern that some of these languages maydie out before their native speakers start writing online.(等他們開始上網(wǎng)的時候,沒準(zhǔn)那些語言已經(jīng)消亡了,這確實是一件值得關(guān)注的事情。)
  • 6、If the brain was in a more stable state, these avalanches woulddie out before the message had been transmitted.(如果大腦在一個更穩(wěn)定的狀態(tài)下,這些雪崩會在傳遞到之前就結(jié)束了。)
  • 7、Why Do Languagesdie out?(為何語言會消亡?)
  • 8、Meanwhile, the fastest-changing words are projected todie out and be replaced by other words much sooner.(與之相比,變化速度越快的詞匯,消亡以及被其它詞匯取代的速度也越快。)
  • 9、A translocated species coulddie out from lack of food, for example.(例如,一個移居的物種可能會因缺乏食物而滅絕。)
  • 10、If the environment changes, they mustdie out.(如果環(huán)境變了,他們必須淡出。)
  • 11、His shine won'tdie out even if hundreds of years have passed by.(他的光芒,即使是千百年的時間流轉(zhuǎn)也無法使之消失。)
  • 12、If you hit the right spot, roaches will scramble ordie out instantly since the extreme heat will dehydrate and suffocate them.(如果你擊對了地方,小強會四散爬出即死掉,因為巨大的熱量會讓它們脫水窒息。)
  • 13、I think all I ask now, is that the mangel-wurzel is not allowed todie out.(我想我現(xiàn)在所要求的,就是不能讓mangel-wurzel這種甜菜消失。)
  • 14、Would the perturbation grow and have a knock-on effect, thus affecting the rest of the brain, or immediatelydie out?(這個干擾會變大和有撞擊效應(yīng),進(jìn)而影響大腦的其他部分,還是迅速消失呢?)
  • 15、Fish willdie out of water.(魚離開水就會死的。)
  • 16、Would the common colddie out if we all stayed at home?(如果我們每人都成天呆在家里,流行感冒是否就會在人群中消失了?)
  • 17、I don't want the panda todie out.(我不希望熊貓滅絕。)
  • 18、Windows Vista maydie out sooner than Windows XP, in spite of being a much younger OS.(盡管相比而言,WindowsVista是一個更年輕的操作系統(tǒng),不過它可能會比WindowsXP消失得更早。)
  • 19、Normally languagesdie out because it is parents deciding they don't want their children to speak it.(通常一種語言的消亡是由于父母不希望子女再使用這種語言。)
  • 20、In India, just before this century, nine children used todie out of ten.(在印度,僅僅上個世紀(jì)以前,十個兒童一般要死九個。)
  • 21、Many animals would lose their homes and maybedie out.(許多動物將會失去家園,并且可能滅絕。)
  • 22、Well, bees pollinate almond trees, so if bees were todie out, the almond filling for our croissants would disappear.(那么,蜜蜂授粉杏樹,因此,如果蜜蜂消失了,杏仁羊角面包填充我們就會消失。) haO86.com
  • 23、But are we prepared to see people die and their culturesdie out?(但是我們準(zhǔn)備好了看那些人死去,看他們的文化消亡嗎?)
  • 24、I would probablydie out there amid those boulders.(我很可能會在那些巨石中丟了性命。)
  • 25、With unutterable misery, the fettered little King heard the voices and footsteps fade away anddie out.(戴著腳鐐的小國王聽到聲音和腳步聲漸漸消失,直到聽不見。真是說不出的痛苦。)
  • 26、We used to believe that capitalism would soondie out.(我們曾以為資本主義很快會消亡。)
  • 27、Mom: No, fish willdie out of water.(媽媽:不可以,魚離開水會死亡。)
  • 28、He is the last of the family; after his death the name willdie out.(他是他家族活在這世上的最后一個成員,他一死,他們家族便不復(fù)存在了。)

die out基本釋義

die out

英 [dai aut] 美 [da? a?t] 
消失; 滅絕