
day and night造句

day and night造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:49:45


day and night造句

  • 1、He plucked the flower, and set out and travelledday and night, till he came again to the castle.(他摘下了這朵花,開始了他的不分晝夜旅行,直到又一次到達(dá)城堡。)
  • 2、day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal; and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons.(白天和黑夜被分為均等數(shù)量的部分,所以除去晝夜平分點(diǎn),白天和黑夜時(shí)間是不等的;當(dāng)然,這些時(shí)長(zhǎng)也因季節(jié)變化而變化。)
  • 3、day and night, I begged my mother and father to take the bags away shaking with terror, because no one saw them but me.(我日日夜夜乞求我的父母讓他們把袋子帶走,我怕的發(fā)抖,因?yàn)槌宋以僖矝](méi)人能看到它們。)
  • 4、Autumn starts when theday and night are the same length again.(當(dāng)白天和黑夜再次等長(zhǎng)時(shí),秋天就開始了。)
  • 5、This girl is such infatuated with new moppet, clinging to itday and night.(這個(gè)女孩對(duì)她的新娃娃如此著迷,她日日夜夜地抱著它。)
  • 6、She thinks she can call me at all hours of theday and night.(她以為她可以不分晝夜隨時(shí)給我打電話。)
  • 7、Just think of what work it would make with theday and night!(想想看,這白天和黑夜會(huì)變成什么樣子!)
  • 8、Troops patrolled the borderday and night.(軍隊(duì)日夜在邊境地區(qū)巡邏。)
  • 9、In theory I'm on callday and night.(理論上,我不分晝夜隨叫隨到。)
  • 10、The man journeyed onday and night till he reached the golden castle of Stromberg.(男人日夜兼程,終于到達(dá)了斯特朗堡的金宮。)
  • 11、Candles burnedday and night.(蠟燭日夜燃燒。)
  • 12、She has been working hardday and night, which of course, accounts for her pale face.(她夜以繼日地努力工作,這當(dāng)然是她臉色蒼白的原因。)
  • 13、Police frequent the areaday and night.(警察日夜在這個(gè)地區(qū)巡邏。)
  • 14、The workers in this workshop doday and night shifts in weekly rotation.(這個(gè)車間的工人上白班和上夜班每周輪換一次。)
  • 15、He keeps working in the laboratoryday and night.(他夜以繼日地在實(shí)驗(yàn)室工作。)
  • 16、Lady Meng Jiang waited for her husbandday and night.(孟姜女日夜等著她的丈夫。)
  • 17、Dozens of doctors and nurses have been workingday and night for weeks.(很多醫(yī)生和護(hù)士夜以繼日地工作了幾周了。)
  • 18、The factory's machinery pounded awayday and night.(工廠的機(jī)器晝夜轟隆作響。)
  • 19、The temperature here varies greatly betweenday and night.(這里白天和夜晚的溫差很大。)
  • 20、In New Orleans, the Army Corps of Engineers has workedday and night to rebuild the floodwalls.(在新奧爾良,陸軍工兵部隊(duì)夜以繼日地重建防洪堤。)
  • 21、I've been coughingday and night.(我一直在咳嗽。)
  • 22、The Yellow River rolls onday and night.(黃河日日夜夜地奔騰不息。)
  • 23、Spring starts when theday and night are the same length.(當(dāng)白天和黑夜一樣長(zhǎng)時(shí),春天就開始了。)
  • 24、Mother nursed the babyday and night.(母親晝夜照料嬰兒。)
  • 25、They were houndedday and night by the press.(他們?nèi)找乖獾叫侣劷绲母櫋?
  • 26、They stayed on the riverbankday and night.(他們?nèi)找沟卮粼诤影渡稀?
  • 27、After that, the painter worked hardday and night.(在那之后,油漆工夜以繼日地努力工作。) [hao86.com好工具]

day and night基本釋義

day and night

英 [dei ?nd nait] 美 [de ?nd na?t] 

日日夜夜; 白天黑夜; 夜以繼日地, 日夜; 不舍晝夜