
as far as造句

as far as造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:47


as far as造句

  • 1、as far as I can recollect, she wasn't there on that occasion.(據(jù)我回憶,當時她不在場。)
  • 2、as far as I can gather , he got involved in a fight.(據(jù)我了解,他卷入了一場爭斗之中。)
  • 3、Fields and hills stretched outas far as we could see.(放眼望去,田野山丘綿延不絕。)
  • 4、as far as I'm aware , nobody has done anything about it.(據(jù)我所知,尚無人對此采取任何措施。)
  • 5、as far as I can judge, all of them are to blame.(依我看,他們都應承擔責任。)
  • 6、His parents supported himas far as they could.(他的父母全力支持他。)
  • 7、as far as we're concerned, the matter is settled.(在我們看來,此事已定。)
  • 8、as far as I can see, you've done nothing wrong.(依我看,你沒有做錯任何事。)
  • 9、as far as I can tell , she's enjoying the course.(據(jù)我判斷,她喜歡這門課程。)
  • 10、She followed the tracksas far as the road.(她沿著小徑一直走到公路邊。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 11、She lived in Chicago,as far as I can remember.(據(jù)我所記得的,她過去住在芝加哥。)
  • 12、We didn't goas far as the others.(我們不如其他人走得遠。)
  • 13、The bleak moorland stretched on all sidesas far as the eye could see.(荒涼的曠野向四面伸展開去,一望無際。)
  • 14、There are pine treesas far as the eye can see.(極目望去只見松林。)
  • 15、Sitting on the floor, spread your legsas far as they will go without overstretching.(坐在地板上,盡可能分開雙腿,但不要過度拉伸。)
  • 16、as far as my grandparents were concerned, they've never had a problem accepting me.(至于我的祖父母,接納我對他們來說從來就不是問題。)
  • 17、as far as I am concerned, you can do what you like.(就我而言,你想干什么就可以干什么。)
  • 18、The only hope for underdeveloped countries is to become,as far as possible, self-reliant.(欠發(fā)達國家的惟一指望就是盡可能地做到自力更生。)
  • 19、Employers should provide a safe working environment,as far as is reasonably practicable.(只要條件許可,雇主就須提供安全的工作環(huán)境。)
  • 20、It only lasted a couple of years,as far as I know.(據(jù)我所知,它僅維持了幾年。)
  • 21、I readas far as the third chapter.(我讀到了第三章。)
  • 22、This is,as far as we're concerned, a real retrograde step for human rights.(對我們而言,這是在人權問題上真正倒退的一步。)
  • 23、The best companies are those that devolve responsibilityas far as they can.(最好的公司是那些盡可能把責任下放的公司。)
  • 24、as far as shopping for clothes goes, it's a drag.(買衣服在某種程度上是個挺沒意思的事。)
  • 25、as far as we knew, there was no cause for concern.(就我們所知,沒有什么要擔心的。)
  • 26、as far as I can remember , this is the third time we've met.(我記得這是我們第三次會面了。)
  • 27、We'll go by trainas far as London, and then take a bus.(我們坐火車到倫敦,然后轉乘公共汽車。)
  • 28、as far as the hard disk is concerned, the bigger the better.(就硬盤而言,容量越大越好。)
  • 29、That's the problemas far as I can see.(在我看來,那就是問題所在。)
  • 30、as far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy.(就我判斷,杰森基本上是個好人。)

as far as基本釋義

as far as

英 [?z fɑ: ?z] 美 [?z fɑr ?z] 
就 ... 而言;遠到...;到 ... 程度