dress up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:44


dress up造句

  • 1、Mama insisted that wedress up when we went to shop.(媽媽堅持要我們?nèi)ベI東西時要盛裝打扮。) haO86.com
  • 2、Billy: Do we have to 4dress up tonight?(比利:我們今晚要盛裝打扮嗎?)
  • 3、During school drama festival, studentsdress up in costumes and go to parties.(學校戲劇節(jié)期間,學生們穿上戲裝去參加聚會。)
  • 4、Theydress up as ghosts and witches.(他們打扮成幽靈和巫婆的樣子。)
  • 5、He liked todress up as a sailor.(他喜歡裝扮成水手模樣。)
  • 6、B: Sorry. My mother made medress up.(對不起,我媽媽給我打扮來著。)
  • 7、Well now I can... well... I candress up Barbie.(不過到現(xiàn)在我才會打扮芭比。)
  • 8、Mrs Brown likes todress up beautifully.(布朗太太喜歡打扮得漂漂亮亮。)
  • 9、Some people like todress up in minks and diamonds.(有些人喜歡穿貂皮、戴鉆石。)
  • 10、Did youdress up for the occasion?(是否曾為重大場合而精心打扮?)
  • 11、You candress up the display with images later.(您稍后可以用圖片修飾您的顯示頁面。)
  • 12、A man willdress up for: weddings, funerals.(男人打扮只為兩件事:婚禮和葬禮。)
  • 13、Let'sdress up as policewomen.(我們假扮成女警察吧。)
  • 14、You'd betterdress up.(你最好打扮一下。)
  • 15、People rarelydress up when they go out to vote.(差不多沒人會為了去投票而盛裝打扮。)
  • 16、Pleasedress up before you show up.(請您務必盛裝打扮出席。)
  • 17、Children like todress up.(孩子們都喜歡化裝打扮。)
  • 18、I think they're excused todress up in fancy clothes.(我想他們有理由打扮得漂漂亮亮的。)
  • 19、They alldress up as doctors.(他們都打扮成醫(yī)生模樣。)
  • 20、Do I need todress up?(我需要特別打扮嗎?)
  • 21、You do not need todress up for dinner.(你不必為了晚宴盛裝打扮。)
  • 22、She didn't know how todress up.(她不知道如何打扮。)
  • 23、The wind blew her beautifuldress up in front of the whole graduate class! She didn't know whether to cry or laugh.(風把她那件漂亮的裙子在了整個研究生班的面前吹了起來!她不知道該哭還是該笑。)
  • 24、My wife oftendress up on holidays.(我妻子經(jīng)常在假期特別打扮。)
  • 25、When it's Christmas,dress up like Santa Claus.(圣誕節(jié)時,打扮成圣誕老人。)

dress up基本釋義

dress up

英 [dres ?p] 美 [dr?s ?p] 