go ahead造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:09


go ahead造句

  • 1、The project is togo ahead following renewed promises of aid from the UN.(在得到聯(lián)合國重申提供幫助的承諾以后,這個項目將著手進行。)
  • 2、We should adjust our aim from time to time in order togo ahead continuously.(我們應該時不時地調(diào)整我們的目標,以便繼續(xù)前進。)
  • 3、Before Igo ahead, let me show you some slides.(在我開始之前,給你們看一些幻燈片。)
  • 4、The runway is clear –go ahead and land.(跑道暢通無阻–繼續(xù)前行并著陸。)
  • 5、I think we shouldgo ahead with the feasibility study.(我覺得我們應該進行這個可行性研究。)
  • 6、No problem,go ahead.(沒問題,去吧。)
  • 7、The projected housing development willgo ahead next year.(計劃中的住宅建設將于明年動工。)
  • 8、go ahead and eat!(繼續(xù)吃吧!)
  • 9、go ahead, but be careful not to lose your way.(去吧,不過你小心一點,別迷路了。)
  • 10、The building work willgo ahead, despite protests from local residents.(盡管當?shù)鼐用穹磳?,建筑工程將照樣進行。)
  • 11、I'llgo ahead and tell them you're on the way.(我要先走一步,告訴他們你在路上。)
  • 12、The proposal willgo ahead despite strong objections from the public.(盡管公眾強烈反對,這項提案仍將付諸實施。)
  • 13、go ahead to choose a card.(去選一張卡片吧。)
  • 14、go ahead and turn right.(向前走然后右拐。)
  • 15、Togo ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble.(在得到如此明確的忠告之后還要繼續(xù)比賽是在自找麻煩。)
  • 16、go ahead, and I'm ready.(去吧,我準備好了。)
  • 17、The event willgo ahead as planned in Chicago next summer.(該活動將按計劃于明年夏天在芝加哥進行。)
  • 18、Who took the decision togo ahead with the project?(是誰決定繼續(xù)這項工程的?)
  • 19、The new building programme willgo ahead as soon as the government releases the funds.(政府一撥付資金,新的建筑項目就動工。)
  • 20、go ahead. Take one.(去吧。拿一塊去吃。)
  • 21、Igo ahead and print out a small number.(我繼續(xù)打印出一個小數(shù)字。)
  • 22、That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her togo ahead and marry Bud.(在普拉茨堡的那個周末,他說服了她嫁給巴德。)
  • 23、The district board will vote today on whether togo ahead with the plan.(區(qū)理事會將于今天就是否執(zhí)行該計劃投票。)
  • 24、Sure.go ahead, please.(當然可以,請說。)
  • 25、The government intends togo ahead with its tax cutting plans.(政府擬開始實施減稅計劃。)
  • 26、The building of the new bridge willgo ahead as planned.(新橋的修建將按計劃進行。)
  • 27、All the indications are that the deal willgo ahead as planned.(從所有的跡象看,交易將按計劃進行。)
  • 28、go ahead, treat yourself well.(去吧,好好對待自己。)
  • 29、I do hope you'llgo ahead in the view of the potential benefit to mankind.(我真希望你能抱著對人類有潛在好處的觀點繼續(xù)前進。) haO86.com
  • 30、Ok,go ahead.(好的,請吧。)

go ahead基本釋義

go ahead

英 [ɡ?u ??hed] 美 [ɡo ??h?d] 