give in造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:08


give in造句

  • 1、The shoes may seem tight at first, but the leather has plenty ofgive in it.(這鞋剛開始穿時可能顯得緊,但皮子的伸展性很好。)
  • 2、He had togive in at the eleventh hour.(他不得不在最后時刻屈服。)
  • 3、It's easier togive in than to discipline.(這比管教他們更容易。)
  • 4、Mr. Darling was frightfully ashamed of himself, but he would notgive in.(達(dá)琳先生為自己感到非常羞愧,但他不肯認(rèn)錯。)
  • 5、Seeing her so changed, Sebastian said: "Don'tgive in!"(看到她變了樣,塞巴斯蒂安說:“不要屈服!”)
  • 6、She could not bear that he shouldgive in before Ben Weatherstaff.(她不能容忍他在本·威瑟斯塔夫面前放棄。)
  • 7、My peace Igive in agony and sweat.(在你流血流汗時,我賜予平安。)
  • 8、Chua recounts her decision to raise her two daughters the "Chinese way", and notgive in to the inevitable "family decline" that befalls immigrant families.(蔡媽媽敘述了她決定用“中國方式”撫養(yǎng)她的兩個女兒,而不是向移民家庭不可避免的“家庭衰落”妥協(xié)。)
  • 9、When weight no longer decreases, peoplegive in.(當(dāng)人們的體重不在下降,他們就放棄了。)
  • 10、The sin is togive in to temptation.(而是向試探屈服而犯罪。)
  • 11、The first choice is togive in but feel good.(首選是屈服但感覺良好。)
  • 12、Togive in order to get is the wrong motivation.(為了得到而去給予是錯誤的動機(jī)。)
  • 13、Research has also shown that in coeducational settings, teachers are more likely to praise andgive in-depth responses to boys' comments in class.(研究還表明,在男女同校的情況下,老師更有可能在課堂上表揚(yáng)和深入回應(yīng)男生的評論。)
  • 14、Neither side wouldgive in [yield].(雙方相持不下。)
  • 15、Eventually I opted togive in and go with the flow.(最終我選擇放棄,順其自然吧。)
  • 16、Toad was not inclined togive in all at once.(托德不愿意一下子就認(rèn)輸。)
  • 17、Even then, I didn'tgive in.(即便在那個時候,我也沒有投降。)
  • 18、The rebels were forced togive in.(叛亂分子被迫投降了。)
  • 19、He refused togive in to her pleadings.(他拒不接受她的請求。)
  • 20、I think we should justgive in gracefully.(我認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該大大方方地認(rèn)輸。)
  • 21、Most of her relatives tell Assiya that she mustgive in.(大多數(shù)親戚都告誡阿西婭她必須屈服。)
  • 22、My family insisted that I should notgive in, but stay and fight.(我家人堅持認(rèn)為我不應(yīng)該屈服,而應(yīng)該留下來斗爭。)
  • 23、He refused togive in to bullying and threats.(他拒不向恐嚇威逼勢力讓步。)
  • 24、He did notgive in.(他確實沒有屈服。)
  • 25、give in your name if you are willing to help.(假如你愿意幫忙,就報上你的姓名。)
  • 26、"I wasn't going togive in. I wasn't going to fall. I was going to fight like hell."(“我不會投降。我不會倒下。我將拼命戰(zhàn)斗?!?
  • 27、As I grew older, I learned to accept the strange eyes from others with an outgoing character that would notgive in.(當(dāng)我長大一些后,我學(xué)會了以一種不屈服的外向性格接受別人奇怪的目光。)
  • 28、If you alwaysgive in to others you will end up feeling like a doormat.(如果總向別人屈服,你最終會覺得自己像個門墊。)

give in基本釋義

give in

英 [ɡiv in] 美 [ɡ?v ?n] 