as if造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:49:10


as if造句

  • 1、It lookedas if she had forgotten how to breathe.(她看上去好像是忘了如何呼吸似的。)
  • 2、I feltas if all my teeth had been punched out.(我覺得好像我滿口牙齒都被打掉了。)
  • 3、He suddenly appearedas if by magic.(他突然神奇地出現(xiàn)了。)
  • 4、He behavedas if nothing had happened.(他表現(xiàn)得若無其事。)
  • 5、He lookedas if nothing could faze him.(他顯得鎮(zhèn)靜自若,遇事不驚。)
  • 6、Mary madeas if to protest, then hesitated.(瑪麗似乎要抗議,又猶豫了。)
  • 7、Her head feltas if it would burst.(她覺得頭要爆裂了。)
  • 8、I got treatedas if I was a bit brainless.(我被當(dāng)成傻瓜一樣對待。)
  • 9、They lookedas if they hadn't washed in days.(他們看起來好像有好幾天沒洗澡了。)
  • 10、I feltas if I had made an outrageous howler.(我覺得自己似乎犯了個不可容忍的低級錯誤。)
  • 11、He madeas if to speak.(他似乎要說點什么。)
  • 12、He spoke in a low mumble,as if to himself.(他自言自語般地嘟噥著。)
  • 13、He threatened to fire me,as if I cared !(他威脅要解雇我,好像我多在乎似的。)
  • 14、It seemedas if she'd been gone forever.(好像她已經(jīng)永遠地離開了一樣。)
  • 15、It's my if you didn't know!(今天是我的生日。你好像不知道似的!)
  • 16、I feelas if I should break into song.(我感覺我似乎應(yīng)該開始歌唱。)
  • 17、I feltas if my heart had stopped.(我覺得好像我的心都不跳了。)
  • 18、I had a sensation of falling,as if in a dream.(我有一種墜落的感覺,像在夢中似的。)
  • 19、It's almostas if there is a hex on my family.(我家?guī)缀跸裰辛四б粯印?
  • 20、He did not soundas if he believed her.(聽起來他似乎不相信她的話。)
  • 21、He actedas if he hadn't heard any of it.(他表現(xiàn)得好像一點都沒有聽過這件事一樣。)
  • 22、He felt light-headed,as if he'd sniffed glue.(他覺得頭暈,好像吸了膠毒一樣。)
  • 23、I ateas if there was no tomorrow.(我狼吞虎咽地吃著。)
  • 24、Anne shrugged,as if she didn't know.(安妮聳了聳肩,好像她不知道。)
  • 25、He lookedas if he was going to smile.(他看上去好像要微笑。)
  • 26、Getting my work done! My God!as if it mattered.(把我的活兒干完!我的天哪!好像這很要緊似的。)
  • 27、I don't feelas if I belong here.(我在這里感覺格格不入。)
  • 28、It doesn't lookas if we'll be moving after all.(看樣子我們還是不可能搬遷了。)

as if基本釋義

as if

英 [?z if] 美 [?z ?f] 

好像, 似乎, 仿佛