pay for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:48:46


pay for造句

  • 1、It was generous of him to offer topay for us both.(他主動為我們倆付錢,真是大方。)
  • 2、How much rent do youpay for this place?(你租這個地方的租金是多少?)
  • 3、Must Ipay for my cancel?(我需要為我的取消付款嗎?)
  • 4、Can Ipay for each item separately?(我能否一件一件地分別付錢?)
  • 5、Giving up his job was a small price topay for his children's happiness.(放棄工作是他為子女幸福所付出的小小代價。)
  • 6、I have so much credit-card debt; I maxed them out topay for my training.(我的信用卡欠款太多了:我刷爆了這些信用卡,用來支付我的培訓(xùn)費用了。)
  • 7、There may be a price topay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce.(這樣沒完沒了的活動可能是要付出代價的,也許是不良健康狀況甚至是離婚。)
  • 8、Loneliness is a high price topay for independence in your old age.(孤寂是老年獨自生活要付出的高昂代價。)
  • 9、I willpay for a hack. There is no need for you to return home on foot.(我會花錢打輛出租車。你沒有必要步行回家。) 【好工具】
  • 10、Using plastic topay for an order is simplicity itself.(使用信用卡支付訂單本身就很簡單。)
  • 11、Theypay for their children to go to a posh school.(他們花錢讓子女上貴族學(xué)校。)
  • 12、They lacked the wherewithal topay for the repairs.(他們?nèi)鄙倬S修費。)
  • 13、The money is used by local authorities topay for public services.(這筆資金被地方當(dāng)局用來支付公用事業(yè)。)
  • 14、In this country it is illegal topay for surrogacy.(有償代孕在本國是違法的。)
  • 15、You'llpay for that remark!(你要為你的話付出代價的!)
  • 16、He exhausted himself on an endless treadmill topay for rent and food.(為了支付房租和食物,他精力全都耗在了一份沒完沒了的單調(diào)工作上。)
  • 17、The reality is that there is not enough money topay for this project.(實際情況是沒有足夠的錢花在這個項目上。)
  • 18、Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received nopay for nine months.(駐扎在首都周邊的部隊反叛了,因為他們9個月沒領(lǐng)到工資了。)
  • 19、It seems unfair on him to make himpay for everything.(讓他承擔(dān)一切費用似乎對他不公平。)
  • 20、The country is running short of hard currency topay for imports.(該國目前缺乏硬通貨來支付進口貨物。)
  • 21、She could well afford topay for it herself.(她自己完全買得起。)
  • 22、How would you like topay for it?(您想用什么方式付款?)
  • 23、The rail pass willpay for itself after about two trips.(火車月票大約只需乘兩次車就夠本了。)
  • 24、I'llpay for the tickets.(我來買票。)
  • 25、In the event that you are mentally or physically disabled, who will provide custodial care and who willpay for it?(一旦你精神或身體殘疾了,誰會為你提供看護?又有誰會承擔(dān)看護費用呢?)
  • 26、His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance company agreed topay for the damage.(保險公司同意賠償損失,他的堅持不懈終于得到了回報。)
  • 27、Wepay for these services through taxes.(我們通過稅收來為這些服務(wù)付費。)
  • 28、They've docked 15% off mypay for this week.(本周他們扣掉了我15%的工資。)
  • 29、You don't have topay for the tickets in advance.(你不必預(yù)付票款。)

pay for基本釋義

pay for

英 [pei f?:] 美 [pe f?r] 
償還; 付款