pick up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:48:45


pick up造句

  • 1、The trucks waited at the warehouse topick up their loads.(貨車在倉(cāng)庫(kù)等著裝載貨物。)
  • 2、Someone's going to go flying if you don'tpick up these toys.(你要是不撿起這些玩具,有人就會(huì)絆倒。)
  • 3、How dare youpick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!(你竟敢拿起電話偷聽(tīng)我的談話!)
  • 4、Industrial production is beginning topick up.(工業(yè)生產(chǎn)正在開(kāi)始好轉(zhuǎn)。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 5、Will youpick up all your toys?(把你的玩具都收起來(lái)好不好?)
  • 6、She bent forward topick up the newspaper.(她彎腰去撿報(bào)紙。)
  • 7、He stooped topick up the carrier bag of groceries.(他彎腰提起裝滿食品雜貨的購(gòu)物袋。)
  • 8、We canpick up the motorway in a few miles.(經(jīng)過(guò)幾英里以后我們就能上高速公路。)
  • 9、We were able topick up the BBC World Service.(我們能收到英國(guó)廣播公司國(guó)際廣播節(jié)目。)
  • 10、We canpick up Mexican television.(我們可以接收到墨西哥電視。)
  • 11、If I could justpick up on a question you raised earlier.(請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我重提一下您早先提出的問(wèn)題。)
  • 12、Can I justpick up that guy's point?(我能接著談一下那個(gè)人的觀點(diǎn)嗎?)
  • 13、Could you do me a favour andpick up Sam from school today?(今天你能幫我個(gè)忙去學(xué)校接薩姆嗎?)
  • 14、The hotel manager signed to the porter topick up my case.(旅館經(jīng)理示意行李工替我拿箱子。)
  • 15、Let'spick up where we left off yesterday.(咱們從昨天停下的地方繼續(xù)吧。)
  • 16、I'll come by this evening andpick up the books.(我今晚過(guò)來(lái)取書(shū)。)
  • 17、Can youpick up my suit from the cleaner's?(你能幫我從干洗店取回我的套裝嗎?)
  • 18、She canpick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift.(她聽(tīng)到曲子就能馬上用鋼琴?gòu)棾鰜?lái),這是天分。)
  • 19、She would cleverlypick up on what I said.(她會(huì)很聰明地留心我說(shuō)的話。)
  • 20、All I seem to do is cook, wash andpick up after the kids.(燒飯、洗衣、跟在孩子屁股后頭收拾東西—好像這就是我全部的活兒。)
  • 21、He goes to clubs topick up girls.(他到夜總會(huì)去泡妞。)
  • 22、She bent down topick up her glove.(她俯身去撿手套。)
  • 23、Scientists can nowpick up early signs of the disease.(現(xiàn)在科學(xué)家能夠辨認(rèn)這種疾病的早期癥狀。)
  • 24、Did youpick up my suit from the cleaner's?(你順便從干洗店取我的西裝了嗎?)
  • 25、He was trying topick up some cash touting tickets.(他那時(shí)在籌集現(xiàn)金倒賣票。)
  • 26、She stooped down topick up the child.(她俯身抱起孩子。)
  • 27、We managed topick up a few bargains at the auction.(我們從拍賣場(chǎng)買到了幾件便宜貨。)
  • 28、She failed topick up on the humour in his remark.(她沒(méi)有領(lǐng)悟他話中的幽默。)
  • 29、The company willpick up the tab for your hotel room.(公司將為你付旅館住宿費(fèi)。)

pick up基本釋義

pick up

英 [pik ?p] 美 [p?k ?p] 