
stand for造句

stand for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:48:43


stand for造句

  • 1、I can'tstand for your childishness.(我受不了你的孩子氣了。)
  • 2、What do two "ninths" meeting togetherstand for?(兩個“九”聚在一起代表什么?)
  • 3、Who will take astand for me against evildoers?(誰肯為我站起抵擋作孽的。)
  • 4、They see no reason tostand for it again.(他們認為沒有再忍受下去的理由。)
  • 5、Mix the batter and let itstand for twenty minutes.(攪好面糊以后,放上二十分鐘。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 6、People believe that two "ninths" meeting togetherstand for a long life.(人們相信兩個“九”在一起代表長壽。)
  • 7、But what does Nokiastand for?(那諾基亞有代表什么呢?)
  • 8、What does the "S"stand for?(“S”代表什么?)
  • 9、What do the letters N.B.stand for?(這兩個字母代表什么?)
  • 10、I won'tstand for being treated like a child.(我不能容忍把我當小孩看待。)
  • 11、Batswana's another good example canstand for.(巴茨·瓦納是另一個很好的例子。)
  • 12、I won'tstand for any more of your rudeness.(我不愿再忍受你的無禮。)
  • 13、The new teacher won'tstand for any nonsense.(這位新教師不會容忍任何無禮行為。)
  • 14、It's what westand for - the ability to choose.(這也是我們所要捍衛(wèi)的——選擇的能力。)
  • 15、You have to know where tostand for a good viewpoint.(你得知道站在哪兒才會有好的視角。)
  • 16、Theystand for happiness and good luck in China.(在中國,它們代表著幸福和好運。)
  • 17、What does WTOstand for?(WTO代表什么?)
  • 18、It's outrageous, and we won'tstand for it any more.(這太讓人氣憤了,我們再也不能容忍下去了。)
  • 19、But what does hestand for?(但他的立場為何?)
  • 20、But Kenyans may notstand for this.(但是肯尼亞人可能忍受不了這些。)
  • 21、The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that it uses characters whichstand for ideas, objects or deeds.(漢語與西方語言的不同之處在于它使用的漢字會代表思想、物體或行為。)
  • 22、The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters whichstand for ideas, objects or deeds.(漢語與西方語言的不同之處在于,漢語不使用字母表,而是使用代表思想、物體或行為的漢字。)
  • 23、I was sitting in thestand for the first game.(我當時正坐在看臺上觀看首場比賽。)
  • 24、They know what theystand for.(他們知道他們代表了什么。)
  • 25、It said that the letters in the word "tip"stand for "To Insure Promptness".(據(jù)說單詞“tip”中的字母代表“ToInsurePromptness”。)

stand for基本釋義

stand for

英 [st?nd f?:] 美 [st?nd f?r] 