sweep up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:48:43


sweep up造句

  • 1、If you're heart is broken,sweep up the pieces. There will always be someone who will want to put it back together.(如果你的心碎了,把碎片收拾起來。這世上總會有人想要把它補好。)
  • 2、Pick up and arrange disposal without creating dust.sweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.(收集和處置時不要產(chǎn)生粉塵。掃掉和鏟掉。放入合適的封閉的容器中待處理。)
  • 3、Thus, the two brothers with a broom and dustpan tosweep up the sun terrace.(于是,兄弟兩人拿著掃帚和畚箕,到陽臺上去掃陽光。)
  • 4、Mr Komorowski emerged only narrowly ahead though he should still win the run-off if he cansweep up anti-Kaczynski votes cast for minor candidates.(雖以輕微優(yōu)勢領先,但科莫羅夫斯基如能橫掃反卡欽斯基等較弱候選人的票倉,仍有可能贏得勝利。)
  • 5、She was left tosweep up after the party.(聚會也可以說是離別的開始。)
  • 6、Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. Pour out the ocean andsweep up the wood, For nothing now can ever come to any good.(不再需要星星,把每一顆都摘掉,把月亮包起,拆除太陽,傾瀉大海,打掃森林,由于什么也不會,再有意味。)
  • 7、And Suzy, you can help Billysweep up.(蘇西,你要幫助比利打掃。)
  • 8、Get a broom andsweep up that glass will you?(拿一把掃帚把那些玻璃掃干凈,行嗎?)
  • 9、We'd bettersweep up all the bits of broken glass quickly.(我們最好快點把玻璃碴子掃干凈。)
  • 10、If your heart is broken,sweep up the pieces, there will always be someone who will want to put it back together.(如果你的心碎了,請把碎片收好,這世界上總有人,會將它修補好的。)
  • 11、Isweep up the pieces of his plate.(我清掃了他所打碎的盤子。)
  • 12、Its sheer rock sidessweep up from a broad base until they cut off abruptly at the flat summit.(它陡峭的巖石從一個寬闊的底座向上延伸,直到在平坦的山頂突然切斷。)
  • 13、Even one cigarette slows down the cilia that work tosweep up the dirt and germs, and heavy smoking destroys them completely.(只消一根卷煙便可減緩將塵埃與細菌清掃出去的纖毛的作用,而過量抽煙則會將它們破壞殆盡。)
  • 14、Every healthy person's lungs contain short hairlike bristles known as cilia, whichsweep up and out, pushing mucus, germs, and dirt away.(每一個健康人的肺葉都含有短短的、毛發(fā)狀的須茬,名叫纖毛。它們向上、向外掃動,將痰液、細菌、以及塵埃推出去。)
  • 15、For the man in the paddock, whose duty is is tosweep up manure, the supreme terror is the possibility of a world without horses.(圍場里的人的職責是清掃馬糞,他最大的恐懼莫過于世界上可能會沒有了馬。)
  • 16、Don't leave her alone tosweep up after the party.(宴會結束后別讓她一個人打掃清潔。)
  • 17、In the meantime, the lorry driver had tosweep up hundreds of broken bottles.(在這段時間里,卡車司機不得不清掃那幾百只破瓶子。)
  • 18、Did yousweep up all the broken glass?(你把所有的碎玻璃都打掃干凈了嗎?)
  • 19、Let'ssweep up the dust from the bookshelves.(咱們把書架上的灰塵掃掉。)
  • 20、If your heart is broken,sweep up the pieces, There will always be someone who will want to put it back together.(如果你的心碎了,把碎片收拾起來。這世上總會有人想要把它踩的更碎。)
  • 21、Pour away the ocean andsweep up the wood.(把大海倒光,把森林掃盡。)
  • 22、He was left tosweep up after the party.(宴會結束后,他被留下來做打掃工作。) Hao86.com
  • 23、They did notsweep up the crumbs.(他們沒打掃碎屑。)
  • 24、Robots have already been used to help peoplesweep up the houses, cook meals, look after their babies and so on.(機器人早已被用于幫助人們打掃房屋、煮飯、照顧小孩等方面了。)

sweep up基本釋義

sweep up

英 [swi:p ?p] 美 [swip ?p] 
打掃; 橫掃
