pick out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:48:45


pick out造句

  • 1、Could youpick out the most exciting CD for me?(你能否為我選一張最精彩的CD?)
  • 2、pick out clothes, make lunches, talk with your spouse.(拿好明天準(zhǔn)備穿的衣物,做好午飯的便當(dāng),和你的配偶談?wù)勛约旱陌才拧?
  • 3、Tracy went to the department store topick out some gifts for her friends.(崔西到百貨公司去挑選一些禮物給她朋友。)
  • 4、No matter how bad people may seem, they possess at least one virtue. Be like the humming bird andpick out the sweetness of everyone's character.(不管人們看上去多壞,他們擁有至少一種美德。像蜂鳥一樣吧,挑選出每個人性格中的甜美之處。)
  • 5、Ask them to help youpick out colors and clothes they think flatter you.(請他們幫你挑選他們覺得令你滿意的顏色和衣服。)
  • 6、Justpick out a joy that you like, and quit.(選出你所享受之樂趣,然后放棄。)
  • 7、Could you help mepick out some new clothes?(你能幫我挑幾件新衣服嗎?)
  • 8、Elliott has gone a step further by finding a way topick out what might be words and sentences.(艾略特更進(jìn)一步了,他找到了一種辨別單詞和句子的方法。)
  • 9、I want topick out some new ties to give as Christmas presents to my friends.(我要選些新領(lǐng)帶,送給我的朋友們作為圣誕禮物。)
  • 10、In their spare time, theypick out the best leaves and get them ready for market.(在業(yè)余時間,他們挑選最好的葉子,準(zhǔn)備投放到市場。)
  • 11、I'llpick out a good piece for you.(我給您挑一件好的。)
  • 12、Even more incredible is the young brain's ability topick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyze, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.(更令人難以置信的是,這個年輕的大腦能夠從他周圍混合的聲音中挑選出語言的順序,并進(jìn)行分析,以新的方式將語言的各個部分組合再組合。)
  • 13、There are so many that it would be too difficult topick out one.(因?yàn)橛刑嗨院茈y選出一個。)
  • 14、pick out something for everyone to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.(為個人準(zhǔn)備早餐,午餐和晚餐。)
  • 15、Decide what you want to be,pick out your future, and make your own destiny.(確定你自己想做什么,規(guī)劃出你的未來,決定你自己的命運(yùn)。)
  • 16、I have topick out its meaning with the help of an English translation.(我必須借助英文的譯文才把意義弄明白。)
  • 17、The first I couldn'tpick out any melody at all.(第一首完全聽不出任何旋律。)
  • 18、Can youpick out the — no.(你能否找到。)
  • 19、You can demonstrate this process by simply turning faces upside-down, showing that our ability topick out differences is suddenly reduced.(你可以通過簡單地把臉倒置過來來演示這個過程,表明我們辨別差異的能力突然下降。)
  • 20、His whole oeuvre is quite extraordinary - if youpick out the best bits.(他的作品總的來說還是很出色的——如果你挑出那些最好的作品的話。)
  • 21、Can youpick out the bass?(你能找到低音嗎?)
  • 22、Could youpick out the red kites?(你能挑選出紅色的風(fēng)箏嗎?)
  • 23、Never ask me topick out your outfit. (See above.)(千萬不要叫我?guī)湍闾粢路?見上)。)
  • 24、He instructed me topick out a dime.(他讓我拿出一個1角的硬幣。)
  • 25、After the crash, the doctors had topick out glass from my leg.(車禍后,醫(yī)生必須把碎玻璃從我的腿中取出來。)
  • 26、Theypick out their favorite part.(他們選出自己喜歡的部分。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 27、Most kids that age would be picking out candies or toys in a store for themselves, instead of helping their mompick out fruits as the two kids did.(這個年齡的大多數(shù)孩子會在商店里自己挑選糖果或玩具,而不是像這兩個孩子那樣幫媽媽挑選水果。)
  • 28、It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids couldpick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.(對我們來說,大包小包地裝著書去當(dāng)?shù)氐膱D書館是件大事,在那里我的孩子們可以挑選要讀的書,或者他們想讓我讀給他們聽的書。)
  • 29、A clerk at Ollivander's Wand Shop helps visitorspick out a magic wand.(魔杖店里,一個售貨員在幫助游客們選魔杖。)

pick out基本釋義

pick out

英 [pik aut] 美 [p?k a?t] 