
dozens of造句

dozens of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:48:39


dozens of造句

  • 1、A new data shows that the global AIDS pandemic will cause a sharp drop in life expectancy indozens of countries, in some cases declines of almost three decades.(一項(xiàng)新的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,全球艾滋病疫情將導(dǎo)致數(shù)十個(gè)國家的預(yù)期壽命大幅下降,在有些國家壽命減幅近30年。)
  • 2、She was picked out fromdozens of applicants for the job.(她從大批的求職者中被選中承擔(dān)這項(xiàng)工作。)
  • 3、The bodies ofdozens of African emigrants discovered off the Italian coast last week might have been thrown overboard, Italian officials said on Monday.(意大利官員周一表示,上周在意大利海岸發(fā)現(xiàn)的幾十具非洲移民的尸體可能是被從船上扔到海里的。)
  • 4、To do this I have searched throughdozens of plays to find the ones that I think best show the power and purpose of the short play.(為了做到這一點(diǎn),我搜索了幾十個(gè)劇本,以找到我認(rèn)為最能體現(xiàn)短劇的力量和目的的劇本。)
  • 5、It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that hasdozens of earthquakes every year.(在一個(gè)每年發(fā)生幾十起地震的國家建立核電站實(shí)在愚蠢。)
  • 6、dozens of villages have been razed.(幾十座村莊已被夷為平地。)
  • 7、dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.(很多醫(yī)生和護(hù)士夜以繼日地工作了幾周了。)
  • 8、The gang members committeddozens of armed robberies over the past year.(該團(tuán)伙成員在過去一年中犯下了數(shù)十起持械搶劫罪。)
  • 9、He's publisheddozens of books so far, once been recommended as a textbook for postgraduates.(他至今已出版數(shù)十本書,他的書曾被推薦為研究生教材。)
  • 10、dozens of companies, including Hewlett-Packard, are sponsoring the event.(包括惠普在內(nèi)的許多公司都在贊助這項(xiàng)賽事。)
  • 11、dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.(數(shù)十英里的鐵軌已被拆除。)
  • 12、dozens of homes had been completely destroyed.(數(shù)十家房屋已被完全毀壞了。)
  • 13、Last winter when I went here again, they had a big separate house to raisedozens of chicken.(去年冬天我再去到那里的時(shí)候,他們有一個(gè)單獨(dú)的大房子來養(yǎng)幾十只雞。)
  • 14、A freshman textbook will havedozens of contributors, from subject-matter experts through graphic and layout artists to expert reviewers and classroom testers.(一本一年級的教科書將會(huì)有幾十個(gè)貢獻(xiàn)者,這些貢獻(xiàn)者涵蓋了從主題專家到圖形和布局藝術(shù)家,再到專家評論家和課堂測試員。)
  • 15、dozens of animals have been cloned since that first lamb—mice, cats, cows and, most recently, a dog—and it's becoming increasingly clear that they are all, in one way or another, defective.(自從第一只羊被克隆以來,已經(jīng)有幾十種動(dòng)物被克隆了,包括老鼠、貓、牛和最近的一只狗;而且越來越明顯的是,這些動(dòng)物都有這樣或那樣的缺陷。)
  • 16、dozens of people were injured as fighting flared up.(數(shù)十人由于戰(zhàn)斗激化而負(fù)傷。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 17、dozens of reporters camped out on her doorstep.(許多記者在她家門口露宿。)
  • 18、There are alsodozens of summer camps—many attached to universities—that aim to prepare elite math students.(此外,還有數(shù)十個(gè)暑期夏令營(其中許多是附屬于大學(xué)的),旨在培養(yǎng)數(shù)學(xué)精英學(xué)生。)
  • 19、On the opposite wall are hangingdozens of pictures as well as two maps of China.(對面的墻上掛著幾十幅畫和兩幅中國地圖。)
  • 20、For example, it doesn't havedozens of different endings for its nouns, adjectives and verbs, not like Latin, Russian and German for example.(例如,它的名詞、形容詞和動(dòng)詞沒有幾十個(gè)不同的詞尾,不像拉丁語、俄語和德語那樣。)
  • 21、By borrowing fromdozens of banks, he managed to avoid giving any of them an overall picture of what he was up to.(通過向幾十家銀行借錢,他得以避免讓任何一家了解他要做事情的全貌。)
  • 22、dozens of company boards are now discreetly sounding out venture capitalists to see if they will support management buyouts.(十幾家公司的董事會(huì)正在謹(jǐn)慎地試探風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資者,以了解他們是否支持管理層收購。)
  • 23、I had to plough throughdozens of legal documents.(我得慢慢地埋頭閱讀幾十份法律文件。)
  • 24、The reason for the change is that now there aredozens of companies across the country buying discarded plastic soda bottles and turning them into fence posts, paintbrushes, etc.(這一變化的起因是,現(xiàn)在全國有幾十家公司購買廢棄的塑料汽水瓶,并把它們制成柵欄樁、油漆刷等。)
  • 25、Teenagers climbeddozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings.(青少年爬上幾十層樓梯,給困在高層建筑中無助的老年人送水和食物。)
  • 26、I've been theredozens of times.(我到那里去過很多次。)
  • 27、Officials of the Tunisian government are especially worried afterdozens of tourists were killed in the attacks in Tunisia last year.(由于去年數(shù)十名游客在突尼斯遭襲時(shí)喪生,突尼斯政府官員顯得更加憂心忡忡。)
  • 28、dozens of servants had catered to his every whim.(幾十個(gè)仆人曾迎合他所有離奇的想法。)
  • 29、dozens of people have been injured and many vehicles set on fire.(已經(jīng)有幾十人受傷,很多車輛被放火焚燒。)

dozens of基本釋義

dozens of

