look down on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:54:56


look down on造句

  • 1、He seldom spoke, which caused the others tolook down on him.(他很少說(shuō)話,這使得別人很輕視他。)
  • 2、Ilook down on him.(我瞧不起他。)
  • 3、Don'tlook down on it.(但是不要小看它。)
  • 4、Ilook down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.(我瞧不起那些工作不順心就拿家里人出氣的男人。)
  • 5、If youlook down on people and treat them badly, they'll retaliate and appear just as annoying and hostile as you expected.(如果你瞧不起別人,待他們不好,他們就會(huì)回敬你,就會(huì)像你預(yù)料的那樣顯得令人討厭,充滿敵意。)
  • 6、See that you do notlook down on one of these little ones.(你們要小心,不可輕看這小子里的一個(gè)。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 7、I don't think people willlook down on you because you are serving the customers.(我認(rèn)為人家不會(huì)因?yàn)槟惴?wù)他們而看不起你的。)
  • 8、They Shared all that they had, they did notlook down on anyone.(他們分享著自己擁有的一切,他們從不看低任何人。)
  • 9、The great man's verdict: "Dogs look up to you, catslook down on you."(這位偉人的結(jié)論是:“狗敬仰你,而貓輕視你?!?
  • 10、Away from them, on countless side streets, pedestrianslook down on rooftops on either side.(而在數(shù)不清的小街上,行人們俯視著道路兩旁的屋頂。)
  • 11、I wish you wouldn'tlook down on this kind of work.(我希望你不要看不起這種工作。)
  • 12、People may be afraid of them,look down on them or think that they are criminals.(人們可能害怕他們、看不起他們或認(rèn)為他們是罪犯。)
  • 13、Don'tlook down on new ideas.(不要藐視新思想。)
  • 14、We should respect others and neverlook down on them with their jobs, or disabilities.(我們應(yīng)該尊重他人,永遠(yuǎn)不要因?yàn)樗麄兊墓ぷ骰蛏眢w殘疾而看不起他們。)
  • 15、Apparently, welook down on acquaintances more so than friends.(顯然,比起朋友,我們更看不起熟人。)
  • 16、Don'tlook down on people!(別小看人!)
  • 17、Ilook down on those who eat the bread of idleness.(我看不起那些吃閑飯的人。)
  • 18、The great Kingslook down on us from those stars.(偉大的君王們正從星星上俯視我們。)
  • 19、Don'tlook down on the role women can play.(不要瞧不起婦女的作用。)
  • 20、Don'tlook down on such activities.(不要小看這些活動(dòng)。)

look down on基本釋義

look down on

英 [luk daun ?n] 美 [l?k da?n ɑn] 
俯視; 看不起; 蔑視