fast food造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:54:51


fast food造句

  • 1、We have the best westernfast food!(我們有最上等的西式快餐!)
  • 2、Even if you're a moose, you can getfast food.(哪怕你是一只駝鹿,你都可以買到快餐。)
  • 3、Learn about some Westernfast food!(了解一些西式快餐吧!)
  • 4、This shop sellsfast food.(這個(gè)商店賣快餐。)
  • 5、I'm buying food at afast food shop.(我正在快餐店購(gòu)買食物。)
  • 6、I don't likefast food.(我不喜歡快餐。)
  • 7、fast food restaurants are popular now.(快餐館現(xiàn)在很受歡迎。)
  • 8、You can findfast food stores everywhere.(你到處都可以發(fā)現(xiàn)快餐店。)
  • 9、You can buy snacks,fast food, and drinks in the cafe.(你可以在咖啡館里買零食、快餐和飲料。)
  • 10、Do you likefast food?(你喜歡吃快餐嗎?)
  • 11、Is allfast food unhealthy?(所有的快餐都不健康嗎?)
  • 12、It's Chinesefast food.(它是中式快餐。)
  • 13、Cooking up a quick dish doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor doesfast food have to be junk food.(做一道快餐并不意味著你就得犧牲味道??觳鸵膊灰?jiàn)得非得是垃圾食品。)
  • 14、I can't standfast food.(我無(wú)法忍受快餐。)
  • 15、We're crazy aboutfast food.(我們特別喜歡吃快餐。)
  • 16、I never eatfast food.(我從不吃快餐。)
  • 17、"Nofast food," she said emphatically.(“不吃快餐,”她斷然道。)
  • 18、It's afast food restaurant.(這是一家快餐店。)
  • 19、fast food was once thought to be recession-proof.(快餐曾經(jīng)被認(rèn)為是不受經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退影響的行業(yè)。)
  • 20、Why did the family seldom eatfast food?(為什么這家人很少吃快餐?)
  • 21、fast food is not healthy.(快餐是不健康的。)
  • 22、Our food was made in thefast food restaurant.(我們的食物是在快餐店做的。)
  • 23、The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds offast food.(那兩位男子聊著諸如他們最喜歡的快餐之類的瑣事。)
  • 24、James works at afast food restaurant.(詹姆斯在一家快餐店工作。)
  • 25、If it'sfast food, it's poor food.(如果這是快餐食物,那這就是劣質(zhì)食物。)
  • 26、Someone likesfast food.(有人喜歡快餐。)
  • 27、He started afast food chain.(他開(kāi)創(chuàng)了一家快餐連鎖店。)
  • 28、Do not eatfast food!(不要吃快餐食品!) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 29、Chinese love Americanfast food.(中國(guó)人喜愛(ài)美式快餐。)
  • 30、About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Westernfast food.(約10%的日本青少年都超重。營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué)家們稱主要的原因是他們?cè)絹?lái)越依賴西方快餐。)

fast food基本釋義

fast food

英 [fɑ:st fu:d] 美 [f?st fud] 
形容詞: fast-food
