next to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:53:38


next to造句

  • 1、Johnson still knewnext to nothing about tobacco.(約翰遜仍然對煙草幾乎一無所知。)
  • 2、She sighed and squatted downnext to the crossing of the two trails.(她嘆了口氣,在兩條小路的交叉口旁蹲了下來。)
  • 3、Can I sitnext to you?(我可以坐在你旁邊嗎?)
  • 4、She curled upnext to him.(她蜷臥在他身邊。)
  • 5、We satnext to each other.(我們緊挨著坐在一起。)
  • 6、The commons isnext to the gym.(學生公共食堂在體育館的旁邊。)
  • 7、The seatnext to him was vacant.(他旁邊的座位空著。)
  • 8、Her children were the number two priority in her lifenext to her career.(她的孩子們在她的生活里占第2位,僅次于她的事業(yè)。)
  • 9、next to her I felt like a fraud.(和她相比,我覺得自己是濫竽充數(shù)。)
  • 10、His musings were interrupted by Montagu who came and sat downnext to him.(蒙塔古來到他旁邊坐下時,他的思緒被打斷了。)
  • 11、I was standing rightnext to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me.(我就站在她身邊,可是她理都不理我。)
  • 12、He decided that he couldn't just slink away, so he went and satnext to his wife.(他決定不能偷偷溜走,于是便走到妻子身邊坐下了。)
  • 13、Tents have been set upnext to hospitals to handle the overspill.(醫(yī)院旁搭起了帳篷以收治醫(yī)院里住不下的人。)
  • 14、There was this strange man sittingnext to me on the plane.(在飛機上有個奇怪的人坐在我身旁。)
  • 15、The classy piano barnext to Maddalena's really sells 11 dishes for the advertised price at lunch. There's no bait and switch here.(馬達萊納隔壁的高級鋼琴酒吧按廣告中的價位售賣11道午餐菜肴。在這沒有用廉價品招攬生意的幌子。)
  • 16、Michael kneltnext to her and scooped her into his arms.(邁克爾跪在她旁邊,一下子把她抱在懷里。)
  • 17、Mrs. Madrigal picked up a towel and began drying dishesnext to her daughter.(馬德里格夫人拿起一條毛巾,開始擦干她女兒旁邊的盤子。)
  • 18、The bus was only half full. Even so, a young man asked Nina if the seatnext to her was taken.(公共汽車上只坐滿了一半,即便如此,一個小伙子還問尼娜她旁邊的座位有沒有人坐。)
  • 19、'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sittingnext to her.(“這不是他的最佳表現(xiàn)?!彼龑ψ谒赃叺呐孔h論道。)
  • 20、I looked so frumpynext to these women.(站在這些女人旁邊,我看起來傻里傻氣的。)
  • 21、Our house is the onenext to the school.(我家的房子就是學校旁邊的那座。)
  • 22、I've placed an asterisknext to the tasks I want you to do first.(我在要你首先完成的任務旁邊標上了星號。)
  • 23、She sat downnext to him on the sofa.(她在沙發(fā)上靠著他坐下來。)
  • 24、There was a big group of a dozen people at the tablenext to theirs.(他們旁邊的那張桌坐了一大群人,有十幾個。)
  • 25、The personnext to me piped up with a silly comment.(我旁邊那位愚蠢地評論起來。)
  • 26、She satnext to him throughout the meal.(她在這一頓飯的時間里坐在他旁邊。)
  • 27、I look down and I'm standingnext to a pile of crap!(我低頭一看,我正站在一堆糞便旁邊。)
  • 28、Charles knewnext to nothing about farming.(查爾斯對耕作幾乎一無所知。)
  • 29、He got undressed in a small cubiclenext to the pool.(他在游泳池旁的小更衣室里脫掉了衣服。)
  • 30、Put a crossnext to those activities you like.(在你喜歡的活動旁邊劃個叉。)

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英 [nekst tu:] 美 [n?kst tu] 
鄰近; 緊靠