clean up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:52:23


clean up造句

  • 1、The most common tasks when dealing with signals is toclean up temporary files.(在處理信號時,最常見的任務是清除臨時文件。)
  • 2、clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, gasoline, or other flammable liquids immediately.(立即清理撒落的藥品,漂白劑,汽油,或其他易燃品。)
  • 3、Do this at home, as you do chores or prepare food orclean up or get ready for work.(當你在家的時候,你也可以這么做,不管你是在做家務,準備晚餐,打掃,或者準備上班。)
  • 4、Content Storeclean up: Executing database scripts.(ContentStore清理:執(zhí)行數(shù)據(jù)庫腳本。)
  • 5、Bacteria canclean up toxins oil spills and nuclear waste essentially by eating the stuff.(細菌可以通過對物體的侵食來清除各種毒素,油污還有核廢料。)
  • 6、Executing DB2clean up scripts.(執(zhí)行db2清理腳本。)
  • 7、I never had toclean up after the lodgers. If anything, they did most of the cleaning.(我從來不必在房客們走后做打掃。要做的話,他們做大部分的清掃。)
  • 8、Helping out at an animal shelter sounds fun, but would youclean up after a dog?(在動物庇護所工作聽起來挺有趣,不過你能收拾狗狗的爛攤子么?)
  • 9、clean up error conditions.(清理錯誤情況。)
  • 10、We shouldclean up the past-due bills.(我們應該清理逾期票據(jù)。)
  • 11、Pleurotus ostreatus is widely used in what is known as mycoremediation—the deployment of fungi toclean up waste.(平菇被廣泛用于所謂的“茵核降解”——即是使用真菌去清理垃圾。)
  • 12、clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, and gasoline and other flammable liquids.(清除溢出的藥品,漂白劑、汽油和其他易燃易爆液體。)
  • 13、Experts are trying to devise ways toclean up the huge slick.(專家們在努力想出清除大面積浮油的辦法。)
  • 14、"Iclean up the kids' rooms," she says.(“我收拾孩子們的房間,”她說。) 【好工具】
  • 15、The government has pledged toclean up industrial emissions.(政府已保證要清除工業(yè)排放物。)
  • 16、Drastic measures are needed toclean up the profession.(需要采取極端的措施來整頓這個行業(yè)。)
  • 17、Similarly, toclean up the log store, connect to log database and execute the SQL script.(類似地,想要清理日志存儲,可連接到日志數(shù)據(jù)庫并執(zhí)行sql腳本。)
  • 18、It clears the clutter in your home and reduces the time required toclean up.(這可以清除你家里的混亂,減少打掃整理的時間。)
  • 19、We also need toclean up spills as soon as they occur, and store food in air-tight containers.(我們還需要盡快清理溢出的液體,并將食物儲存在密封的容器中。)
  • 20、What’chu trying toclean up, Sergeant Franklin?(你想拿來清理什么,F(xiàn)ranklin軍士?)
  • 21、If you can't think of anything better, grab a can of paint andclean up some local graffiti.(如果你實在想不出做什么更好,那不如干脆抓起一個油墨罐子,出去清除本地的涂鴉。)
  • 22、clean up the clutter and dirtiness.(清理散亂物件和臟的物品。)
  • 23、Tony Hayward, BP's boss, vows toclean up "every last drop" of oil that reaches land.(BP的老板,托尼·海沃德發(fā)誓要清理掉到達土地上的每一滴石油。)
  • 24、You ask them toclean up their room. They do it but they take so long doing it.(你讓他們整理房間,他們雖然也去做,但是他們得花很長的時間。)
  • 25、That doesn't mean they shouldn't learn toclean up afterward.((那并不是說他們之后就不需要學會打掃衛(wèi)生)。)
  • 26、Soon SAMMS cartridges might helpclean up lakes, streams and sewers.(很快,SAMMS的威力槽就能用來幫助清潔湖泊、溪流和下水道。)

clean up基本釋義

clean up

英 [kli:n ?p] 美 [klin ?p] 