open up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:52:34


open up造句

  • 1、open up or we'll break the door down!(開門!不然就砸門了!)
  • 2、No screws toopen up his devices.(沒有螺絲去打開他的裝置。)
  • 3、open up your interpreter and code along with me.(打開您的解釋程序并和我一起編碼。)
  • 4、To start,open up your word list.(首先,打開單詞列表。)
  • 5、Justopen up that report, or that email.(只要打開那份報告、那份郵件就可以。)
  • 6、"Police!open up!"—"Oh well," I thought, "here we go."(“警察!開門!”—“噢,天哪,”我想,“又來了?!?
  • 7、She thinks watching cats and mice fighting wit can helpopen up her thinking.(她認為看貓和老鼠斗智斗勇,有助于開拓自己的思維。)
  • 8、Please don'topen up my hands.(請不要放開我的手。)
  • 9、We had to hammer and shout before they wouldopen up.(我們不得不砰砰敲打并大喊大叫,他們才會開門。)
  • 10、Several customers were waiting when I arrived toopen up the shop.(我到店里開門時,幾個顧客已在等侯。)
  • 11、open up the assembly diagram.(打開裝配圖。) (好工具
  • 12、Let's go ahead andopen up global dot c, or you can follow along up here.(我們繼續(xù)打開globaldotc,或者可以在這點關注。)
  • 13、Geigl herself believes that with cooperation between bench and field researchers preserving fossils properly couldopen up avenues of discovery that have long been assumed closed.(Geigl本人相信,如果研究人員和野外研究人員通力合作,妥善保存化石,可能會開辟長期以來被認為封閉的發(fā)現途徑。)
  • 14、International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies thatopen up and welcome foreign investment.(在那些開放并歡迎外國投資的經濟體中,國際子公司在生產中占了一個快速增長的部分。)
  • 15、It helps to discuss your problems but I find it hard toopen up.(與人談談自己面臨的問題固然有益,但我覺得有些話很難說得出口。)
  • 16、This is getting attention. Over 100 travel companies have promised that they will no longeropen up such places.(這引起了人們的注意,超過100家旅游公司已經承諾不再開放這樣的地方。)
  • 17、open up the containers to navigate.(打開容器來瀏覽。)
  • 18、A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even moreopen up to ideas that you have.(這樣的對話會讓他們開始喜歡你,甚至更愿意接受你的想法。)
  • 19、Dissecting means you are using scissors toopen up layers of tissue, called fascial planes, to get to the kidney.(解剖意味著你要用剪刀打開名叫筋膜層的組織直至腎臟。分離這些組織層次,)
  • 20、The point is to use the results of this study toopen up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias, be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level.(重點是要利用這項研究的結果,就隱性性別偏見在部門級別,機構級別,甚至是學科級別,展開有意義的的討論。)
  • 21、Lorna found that people were willing toopen up to her.(洛娜發(fā)現人們愿意向她敞開心扉暢談。)
  • 22、This new job couldopen up whole new vistas for her.(這項新工作可能給她開辟全新的前景。)
  • 23、The operation willopen up the blocked passages around his heart.(手術將把他心臟周圍被堵塞的通道打開。)
  • 24、Joel: Let'sopen up these Windows too.(喬爾:讓我們也把這些窗戶打開吧。)
  • 25、open up your curtains.(拉開窗簾。)

open up基本釋義

open up

英 [??up?n ?p] 美 [?op?n ?p] 
打開; 開發(fā); 展現; 開始; 揭露; 開放