
church tower造句

church tower造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:12


church tower造句

  • 1、Pierre Dordin was a legend in his lifetime and his racing and breeding lofts were called 'Villa Patience' which stood below thechurch tower in Harnes, France.(皮埃爾·多爾丁的一生是個神話,他參加的比賽及育種的鴿舍被稱為“耐心農(nóng)莊”。該舍坐落于法國哈尼斯教堂下方。)
  • 2、Part of a student dormitory, achurch tower and other historic buildings were reported to have collapsed, ANSA said. L 'aquila cathedral was damaged.(據(jù)安莎社報導(dǎo)。部分學(xué)生宿舍,一所教堂塔和其他歷史建筑有倒塌發(fā)生,拉奎拉大教堂被損壞。)
  • 3、As the church clock struck twelve, they listened to the heavy notes ringing out from thechurch tower.(教堂的鐘聲敲響了十二點,人們聽到教堂塔頂傳出低沉的音調(diào)。)
  • 4、Thechurch tower was burnt down in 1946.(1946年的時候教堂的塔被燒毀了。)
  • 5、If it is seen from thechurch tower, the park looks more beautiful.(站在教堂塔頂上,這座公園看上去更漂亮了。)
  • 6、There's a clock on thechurch tower.(教堂的塔樓上有座鐘。)
  • 7、Thechurch tower stood against the sky like a finger pointing towards heaven.(教堂塔樓在天空的襯托之下,像一個手指直指蒼穹。)
  • 8、When they met in thechurch tower the gaps in their fragmentary conversation were filled up.(當他們再次在教堂鐘塔里見面時,兩人之間的距離又在斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的談話中被填平。)
  • 9、The steps are as broad as those of a palace, and as high as to achurch tower.(那些臺階像宮殿的臺階一樣寬,像教堂塔樓一樣高。)
  • 10、On a parcel almost a kilometer in length, Personal Architecture (pa) realized a new-built home with a sweeping view of the surrounding meadows and the nearbychurch tower.(在近一公里長的地塊上,PA建筑事務(wù)所建造了一座新住宅,周圍草地和附近教堂塔一覽無余。)
  • 11、Thechurch tower stood out clearly against the sky.(教堂的塔樓在天空的映襯下格外清晰。)
  • 12、The clock in the highchurch tower struck and the sound made him remember his parents' earlylove for him. They had taught him and prayed to God for his good.(高高的教堂鐘樓傳來鐘聲,這聲音使他記起父母早年對他的疼愛:他們教育他,為他祈禱。)
  • 13、We were standing at the top of achurch tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.(當時我們正站在一個教堂塔樓的頂上,是父親把我從羅馬的家里帶到這個離家不遠的意大利小鎮(zhèn)樓頂上來的,我不明白他要做什么。)
  • 14、Landscape From thechurch tower, we can overlook the beautiful landscape of the valley.(從教堂的塔上,我們可以俯瞰山谷美麗的景色。)
  • 15、Thechurch tower was built in 1678.(這座教堂塔樓建于1678年。)
  • 16、The clock in the highchurch tower struck and the sound made him remember his parents' early love for him.(高高的教堂鐘樓傳來敲鐘聲,這聲音使他記起父母早年對他的疼愛。)
  • 17、There is a beautiful bluechurch tower.(鎮(zhèn)上有一座美麗的藍色教堂。) Hao86.com
  • 18、Thechurch tower was a prominent feature in the landscape.(教堂的尖塔曾經(jīng)是此地景觀的重要特色。)
  • 19、That was the bell from the church bell tower.(這座老鐘是從教堂的鐘樓上換下來的。)
  • 20、Can you show me another church with a tower?(你能帶我看看另一個有塔的教堂嗎?)
  • 21、Falling too slowly-if you have made the mistake of leaping from something near the ground, like achurch tower-could be fatal, too, as the parachute may fail to open fully.(假如你離地面太近地方起跳比如---教堂頂同樣是致命的錯誤,因為你的降落傘很可能不完全打開。)
  • 22、The stereotypical village green andchurch tower overlook the Primary School Refectory built in 1609 by Edmond Gibbons.(千篇一律的鄉(xiāng)村綠地,教堂的尖塔俯視著小學(xué)校的大食堂,這是由埃德蒙.吉伯于1609年所建的。)
  • 23、Another shot of thechurch tower.(教堂的另注射高聳。)

church tower基本釋義