
city flower造句

city flower造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:06


city flower造句

  • 1、Mexico is in the southern area of North America. Its national flower is a cactus. Its capital is Mexico City. Mexicans speak Spanish.(墨西哥位于北美洲的南部。墨西哥的國花是仙人掌。墨西哥的首都是墨西哥城。墨西哥人講西班牙語。)
  • 2、Thousands of people are flocking to the northern Swiss city of Basel to see a giant, stinky flower bloom for the first time.(數(shù)以千計(jì)的人潮水般涌入瑞士北部城市巴塞爾就為一睹一種惡臭巨型花的首次盛開。)
  • 3、Flower city can not, can not spend the Earth, our lives can not flower. Caring for flowers is everyone's responsibility.(城市不能沒有花,地球不能沒有花,我們的生活不能沒有花。愛護(hù)花木,人人有責(zé)。)
  • 4、Mt. Yinghua is a mountain resort located in northwest of Shifang City famous for seas of cloud, fog, wood and flower, being an excellent sight for watching sunrise, clouds, and Buddhist sceneries.(鎣華山位于什邡市西北方向,以云海,霧氣,奇花異草而聞名。游客可以欣賞到日出,云海以及佛教景觀。)
  • 5、Zhuhai is a seashore tourist city of a garden type. The flower is blooming in four seasons, meeting the eye on every side dark green.(珠海是一個花園式的海濱旅游城市,四季鮮花盛開,滿目蒼翠。)
  • 6、Especially in spring days, the city is decorated with different kinds of beautiful flowers, so it can be regarded as a flower land.(特別是在春天的時候,這座城市被各種美麗的花裝飾著,所以它可以看作是一個花地。)
  • 7、Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements, says Richard DeLozier, co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City, Mo.(面部肌肉張力沒有吸引力也可以通過舒緩的音樂和簡單的插花得到緩解。密蘇里州堪薩斯城天然溫泉的共同擁有人RichardDeLozier說。)
  • 8、It is a pretty city with an interesting flower market.(它是一個充滿鮮花和有趣的美麗城市。)
  • 9、In the not far from where the flower beds blooming with, contests, stood scattered bursts of fragrance, for this night of a harmonious city adds a bit of mystery.(在不遠(yuǎn)處的花池里綻放著,爭奇斗艷,散放著陣陣幽香,為這和諧城市的夜晚更增加了幾分神秘的色彩。)
  • 10、As all we know, kapok is thecity flower of Guangzhou.(眾所周知,木棉是廣州市的市花。)
  • 11、City is tree, youth is leaf, future is flower.(城市是樹,青年是葉,未來是花。)
  • 12、The emblem of Shanghai shows a white magnolia flower (the officialcity flower), a large junk and a propeller, all symbolizing the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the city.(上海市市標(biāo)以市斑白玉蘭,沙船和螺旋槳組成,它象征這個城市開端拓展進(jìn)取的精力。)
  • 13、Cymbidium is thecity flower of Shaoxing and also a famous flower in China.(蘭花是紹興市花,是我國傳統(tǒng)名花。)
  • 14、Orchid is thecity flower of Shaoxing.(蘭花是紹興市市花。)
  • 15、Flower, is the embodiment of the United States, the U. S. envoy. Flower, the room can become life Ordinary Angran; also can become monotonous wonderful city.(花,確實(shí)是美的化身,美的使者?;ǎ梢允蛊椒驳木邮易兊蒙鷻C(jī)昂然;也可以使單調(diào)的城市變得絢麗多姿。)
  • 16、At thecity flower market, this strain of orchid is worth at least 10,000 dollars each.(如在城市的花市上,這種臘蘭一棵至少價(jià)值萬余元。)
  • 17、Osmanthus is Hangzhoucity flower.(桂花是杭州的市花。)
  • 18、Bougainvillea is thecity flower.(勒杜鵑是深圳的市花。)
  • 19、As all we know kapok is thecity flower of guangzhou. you can find it everywhere in guangzhou. people call it the hero tree.(眾所周知,木棉是廣州市的市花。它在廣州廣泛種植。人們稱之為英雄樹。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、Yongxian: Kapok is thecity flower of Guangzhou.(木棉花是廣州的市花。)
  • 21、The award, named after Shanghai'scity flower, is given to foreigners who have made significant contributions to the city.(這項(xiàng)以上海市市花命名的獎項(xiàng)是專門授予對城市作出突出貢獻(xiàn)的外國人的。)
  • 22、Choose the white yulan to be Shanghaicity flower symbolize a kind of pioneer spirit striving to make progress.(選擇白玉蘭為上海市市花,象征著一種開路先鋒、奮發(fā)向上的精神。)
  • 23、Oh the international convention and exhibition center is very special building especially the top. it looks like a blooming hibiscus-nanning'scity flower.(哦,南寧國際會展中心是一座非常特別的建筑,特別是它的頂部??雌饋砭拖褚欢涫㈤_的朱槿花?南寧市的市花。)
  • 24、For myself, I'd like to say that if we all work hard to build our city into a flower garden, who cares about the entrance fee for parks?(對于我自己,我想說,如果我們都努力建設(shè)我們的城市讓它變成花園般,誰還會關(guān)心公園門票的事?。)
  • 25、Thousands of enthusiastic people waved in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata as a flower-adorned train began its inaugural journey to Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka.(成千上萬人聚集在印度東部城市加爾各答,歡送一輛由鮮花裝飾的列車緩緩啟動,駛往孟加拉的首都達(dá)卡,開始了其處女航。)
  • 26、Paperflower (bougainvillea) is thecity flower of Shenzhen.(簕杜鵑是深圳的市花。)

city flower基本釋義