
civil engineering造句

civil engineering造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:05


civil engineering造句

  • 1、Back in Turpan, we chose to visit a museum that featured one of the truly remarkable ancient works ofcivil engineering.(回到吐魯番后,我們選擇參觀一個博物館,那里陳列著一本令人矚目的民用工程古籍。)
  • 2、Thecivil engineering contractor may need to lay out his own casting yard.(土木工程承包者可能需要設(shè)置自己的預(yù)制場。)
  • 3、The system is available for earth-rock allocation problems in road projects, airport projects and other large-scalecivil engineering.(同時,本系統(tǒng)對道路工程、機場及其他大型土建工程中的土石方調(diào)配問題同樣適用。)
  • 4、In recent years, the research of microseism has made some progress incivil engineering realm.(近年來,地脈動的研究在土木工程領(lǐng)域也取得了一些進展。)
  • 5、That's a long way away fromcivil engineering.(那離土木工程還很遠呢。)
  • 6、Applying lessons learned fromcivil engineering, the "patterns movement" has really gained momentum over the last ten years.(運用來自土木工程的經(jīng)驗,在過去的十多年中“模式運動”已經(jīng)真正獲得了一些動力。)
  • 7、According to Wangyi, acivil engineering major at the Dalian Institute of Technology, the male students do everything together.(大連理工大學(xué)土木專業(yè)的王義介紹,他們一般都是男生一起行動,一起上課、一起打球、一起吃夜宵。)
  • 8、Bachelor degree majored incivil engineering or Architecture Engineering.(工民建或建筑工程專業(yè)本科學(xué)歷。)
  • 9、He is studyingcivil engineering in Tsinghua University.(他在清華大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)土木工程。)
  • 10、Sister Victoria Marie is in her second year. She came to the convent with a degree incivil engineering.(維多利亞·瑪麗修女是第2年的見習(xí)修女,她來到修道院的時候已經(jīng)獲得了土木工程學(xué)位。)
  • 11、In thecivil engineering, it is a very important problem that the stability analysis of slope.(在土木工程中,邊坡的穩(wěn)定性分析是一個十分重要的課題。)
  • 12、Because of good mechanical performance, concrete-filled steel tube structures have been used for hundreds years incivil engineering.(由于良好的力學(xué)性能,鋼管混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)在土木工程中的應(yīng)用已有上百年歷史。)
  • 13、I is from Hunan Universitycivil engineering graduate student in school to create.(我公司是由湖南大學(xué)土木工程在校研究生創(chuàng)建。) haO86.com
  • 14、Cement steel and timber are the most important construction materials used incivil engineering.(水泥、鋼材和木材是土建工程中最重要的建筑材料。)
  • 15、Adaptive Reuse is acivil engineering principle that has echoes in the software world.(適應(yīng)性重用,這是土木工程的一個原則,而在軟件開發(fā)的世界中也能引起共鳴。)
  • 16、He majors incivil engineering in a technical institute.(他在一所工學(xué)院主修民用建筑。)
  • 17、Incivil engineering construction is much bigger in both cost and time than design and planning.(在土木工程建設(shè)中,施工所用的時間和費用都遠比在設(shè)計和規(guī)劃中花費的多。)
  • 18、You know, I started out incivil engineering.(你知道,我剛開始學(xué)土木工程。)
  • 19、Others claim he received a degree incivil engineering, in an effort to join the family business.(另一些人則聲稱他取得的是土木工程學(xué)位,為了加入家族事業(yè)。)
  • 20、I am studyingcivil engineering in Tsinghua University.(我在清華大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)土木工程。)
  • 21、Fiber reinforced concrete is a kind of heterogeneous material, which is more increasingly used incivil engineering.(纖維增強混凝土是一種多相材料,其在土木工程中的應(yīng)用日益廣泛。)
  • 22、Brady Cox is an assistant professor ofcivil engineering at the University of Arkansas.(布雷迪·考克斯是阿肯色大學(xué)土木工程系的一個助理教授。)
  • 23、It is believed to be the world's biggestcivil engineering project.(這被認為是全世界最大的土木工程項目。)
  • 24、The promoter ofcivil engineering works normally determines the conditions of contract.(通常由土木土木工程的發(fā)包人確定合同的條款。)
  • 25、Structural health monitoring is a hot research subject incivil engineering nowadays.(結(jié)構(gòu)健康監(jiān)測是當(dāng)今土木工程領(lǐng)域的一個研究熱點。)

civil engineering基本釋義

civil engineering

英 [?sivl ?end?i?ni?ri?] 美 [?s?v?l ??nd???n?r??] 

