
clean out造句

clean out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:59


clean out造句

  • 1、I regularly defragment the hard disk, tweak the registry, andclean out temporary files, but my PC is still slow.(我會定期整理磁盤碎片、打掃注冊表,清理臨時文件,但我的電腦仍然很慢。)
  • 2、Iclean out my phone every couple of months, deleting people I don't need anymore.(我每兩個月清理一次電話簿,刪除那些我不再需要的聯(lián)系人。)
  • 3、But people are now beginning to clear out the debris,clean out houses and hospitals and salvage what they can of their normal lives.(但人們現(xiàn)在開始清除廢墟,清理房屋和醫(yī)院,打撈可用于恢復正常生活的東西。)
  • 4、It can penetrate facial oils to get deep into pores andclean out dead skin cells.(它能穿過皮膚面部油脂進入毛孔,清理死去的皮膚細胞。)
  • 5、clean out gutters and repair roof leaks.(清理排水溝并且修復屋頂?shù)牧芽p。)
  • 6、clean out His Brain.(清空他的大腦。)
  • 7、Can you hire the teenager down the street toclean out the garage?(你可以雇傭在街上閑逛的年輕人,讓他為你清理車庫吧?)
  • 8、Use dust remover spray toclean out of the laptop's vents.(使用除塵器清理筆記本電腦的排氣孔。)
  • 9、If they didn'tclean out the house, I have to ask them to sign a waiver stating that everything left inside can be disposed of.(如果他們沒有清理好房子,我就得叫他們簽一個免權條約,任何留在屋子里的東西都可以被清理掉了。)
  • 10、It's great's toclean out the fridge and get rid of the junk food in the pantry.(我們很高興地清理冰箱和清除廚房里的垃圾食品。)
  • 11、clean out the coffee machine.(清洗一下咖啡機。)
  • 12、clean out your bookshelves and offer the books to your local library.(清理你的書架,捐些書給圖書館。)
  • 13、clean out the bathtub when you are done.(洗完澡后請把浴缸洗干凈。)
  • 14、To solve these problems, drop the extraneous index, add a new index, or periodicallyclean out the large volume of obsolete data in some tables.(要解決這些問題,可以刪除無關的索引,添加一個新的索引,或者在某些表中周期性地清除大量過期的數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 15、Every 2-3 months, you should do a deeper clean —clean out the refrigerator, the oven, the cabinets, closets.(每2-3個月,你應該做一個更加精細的大掃除--清空冰箱,烤箱,壁櫥,衣柜等.)
  • 16、clean out dryer lint.(清理掉干衣機的棉絮。)
  • 17、Remove the instance owner and home. Finally,clean out the library space.(刪除實例所有者和主目錄。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 18、Mr. Wall asked if I would help himclean out the barrels.(沃爾先生問我能否幫他把桶徹底清掃了。)
  • 19、Iclean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.(我清除掉了所有的油脂,以油替換,因此它在很低的溫度下運轉得更好。)
  • 20、And then another room… and another. Then we proceeded toclean out and reorganize the garage.(接著我們又去打掃了車庫還把它又整理了一番。)
  • 21、When Iclean out my SD camera card, I just go through the groups of photos and click and drag them into the folders I've created.(當我清理相機記憶卡時,我只是仔細檢查各種照片,點擊并把他們拖拽進已建文件夾。)
  • 22、It is a good time toclean out closets or the garage and to pack up things you don't need to give to charity.(是時候收拾衣櫥或車庫了,把那些你不再需要的東西都找出來捐給慈善機構吧。)
  • 23、I hope you willclean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.(我希望你這次將清除掉你抽屜中所有的黏糊糊的舊糖紙和空信封。)
  • 24、clean out all your old clothes and donate them to someone in need.(打包你的舊衣服并且送給需要的人。)
  • 25、Please make sure youclean out any scaffold controller and view code before switching to ActiveScaffold.(在切換到ActiveScaffold之前,請確保您已經清除了所有的scaffold控件和視圖代碼。)
  • 26、We nowclean out the trace and run again(現(xiàn)在我們可以清除跟蹤,并再次運行代碼)
  • 27、clean out your closets.(整理你的衣櫥。)

clean out基本釋義

clean out

英 [kli:n aut] 美 [klin a?t] 
把 ... 打掃干凈; 清光