
clay pottery造句

clay pottery造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:59


clay pottery造句

  • 1、Chinese Sculpture Gallery exhibits 127 pieces of ancient Chinese stone, wood, clay, pottery and cast-bronze sculptures from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty.(中國古代雕塑共展出了源自戰(zhàn)國至明朝的127件石刻、木雕、泥塑和銅鑄作品。)
  • 2、Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society .(在原始社會末期,居住在黃河和長江流域的原始人,已經(jīng)開始制作泥塑和陶塑了。)
  • 3、Buttons andclay pottery?(紐扣和陶土?)
  • 4、He burnt clay for pottery.(他將粘土燒成陶器。) Hao86.com
  • 5、Yixing's brown earth pottery is made of a peculiar kind of local red clay.(宜興紫砂陶器是由一種奇特的當(dāng)?shù)丶t粘土制成的。)
  • 6、Pottery drum, also known as drum soil, clay is fired into the dark box, and then cast made of animal leather.(陶鼓又稱土鼓,是用陶土燒制成鼓框,再蒙上動物的皮革做成的。)
  • 7、It seems you have to pound the clay with a wooden hammer until all the particles get very fine to be used for making pottery, right?(好像得用木錘把它敲細,直到里面沒有顆粒了才能做陶器,對吧?)
  • 8、In this paper, the historical and cultural origins of purpleclay pottery were traced and its craft attributes described.(回顧了紫砂陶器的文化歷史淵源及其工藝特點。)
  • 9、Ancient people madeclay pottery because they needed it for their survival.(古代人制作陶器是因為他們的生存需要它。)
  • 10、Around the same time, she met a young artist who would become very important to her.Juan Hamilton made pottery -- objects of clay.(在同一年時間里,她遇見了對她來說非常重要的年輕的制做陶器的藝術(shù)家胡安漢密爾頓,。)
  • 11、Porcelain is a material made from well-chosen porcelain clay or pottery stone through technological processes.(瓷器是一種由精選的瓷土或瓷石通過工藝流程而制成的物件。)
  • 12、In art class, we learn to work with clay in making pottery. I will share a piece with you.(在美術(shù)課堂上,我們學(xué)習(xí)如何用黏土制作陶器,我要和你分享這件作品。)
  • 13、It's said that porcelain and pottery are made of different materials, I mean different kinds of clay.(據(jù)說瓷器和陶器是用不同的原料做的,我是說不同的陶土。)
  • 14、Fragments of pottery and broken clay pipe have already been retrieved from a muddy hole on the site, which they claim could yield some of the most significant discoveries about Shakespeare in decades.(目前,考古人員已從現(xiàn)場的一個泥洞中挖出一些陶器碎片和殘破的黏土管,他們稱這些東西可能會引出幾十年來有關(guān)莎士比亞的一些最有意義的發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 15、Another choice pottery that won great reputation for hundreds of years is purpleclay pottery.(另一個選擇陶贏得了數(shù)百年來盛名是紫砂陶器。)
  • 16、We've already begun to find some very interesting items, like old bottles, buttons, pieces ofclay pottery.(我們已經(jīng)開始發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些非常有趣的物品,比如舊瓶子、紐扣、陶瓷碎片等。)
  • 17、Xun, fired byclay pottery, was one of the oldest Musical Instruments in our country at present.(魯迅,粘土陶器發(fā)射,是目前在我國最古老的樂器之一。)
  • 18、Based on the traditional technology and the practice, some key links of pottery masks such as clay selection, filter processing, drying and baking are presented.(通過向傳統(tǒng)學(xué)習(xí)和基于實踐,論述了陶土的選擇、過濾、加工、干燥與燒成等土陶臉譜燒制的幾個重要工藝環(huán)節(jié)。)

clay pottery基本釋義

clay pottery

英 [klei ?p?t?ri] 美 [kle ?pɑt?ri] 
