clean a room造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:59


clean a room造句

  • 1、She could even go and pay bills, andclean a room well and to set things in order.(她甚至能去付賬,還可以打掃房間、收拾東西。)
  • 2、Westmoreland enters the guard's break room with a plastic tub of clean dishes.(Westmoreland走進(jìn)警衛(wèi)休息室,端著一個(gè)裝著干凈器具的塑料盆。)
  • 3、A white room is a clean room as well as a temperature-controlled, dust-free room for precision instruments.(白色房間是指一間干凈,帶溫度控制的無(wú)塵房間,用于放置精密儀器。)
  • 4、My room is a mess, but I needn't clean it before I go out tonight.(我的房間很亂,但我今晚出門(mén)之前不必打掃。)
  • 5、We learned to love a spare-looking room, and the amazing feeling of sitting or lying around in a room that was clean and uncluttered.(我們?cè)囍ハ矚g看起來(lái)寬敞的房間,試著去喜歡那種圍坐在或躺在一塵不染、井然有序的的房間。)
  • 6、Multicolored tape enshrouds the Cupola's seven window panes in a clean room at Alenia Spazio in Turin, Italy, before launch.(升空以前,在意大利都靈阿萊尼亞航天公司(AleniaSpazio)一間潔凈室組裝的“圓頂”觀(guān)測(cè)艙,它的七扇窗戶(hù)被彩色的帶子遮蔽了起來(lái)。)
  • 7、It's easy to warn a child that he'll go to bed without supper if he doesn't clean his room but when you give in and feed him, you're sending the message that you don't really mean what you say.(如果他沒(méi)有打掃自己的房間,你可以很容易地警告孩子沒(méi)有吃晚飯就去睡覺(jué),但是當(dāng)你讓步而讓他吃飯時(shí),你就向他發(fā)出了一個(gè)信息,你說(shuō)話(huà)不算數(shù)。)
  • 8、The room is clean and well kept with a nice shower.(房間很干凈整潔,浴室設(shè)計(jì)很別致。)
  • 9、Thee trilobite canclean a room on its own, using sound waves to feel its way around.(三葉蟲(chóng)可以利用聲波探路,從而自己打掃房間。)
  • 10、Let's take this example: There's a party you're planning to go to, but your mom just told you to clean your room or stay home. The red-hot anger starts building.(舉例來(lái)說(shuō):你準(zhǔn)備去一個(gè)聚會(huì),但你母親卻讓你清掃自己的房間或者待在家里,熾熱的憤怒開(kāi)始堆積了。)
  • 11、The cleaning personnel enters a code to signal that the room is clean.(清掃人員輸入一段代碼通知系統(tǒng)該房間已被清掃完畢。)
  • 12、Roughly two-thirds of respondents said they often work in their room (68 percent) and they also expect a lot more from a hotel than just a clean room and comfortable bed (65 percent).(接近2/3的受訪(fǎng)者表示他們經(jīng)常在房間內(nèi)工作(68%),并期待酒店不僅僅是一個(gè)干凈的房間和舒適的床(65%)。)
  • 13、Every machine in a modern clean room is built around 300-mm wafers.(現(xiàn)代潔凈室中的所有機(jī)器都是用來(lái)制造300毫米硅晶圓的。)
  • 14、Before I ever ask my children to clean their room I first take a quick look at my garage or shed.(在我要求孩子們整理他們的房間之前,我都會(huì)先快速的看看我自己的車(chē)庫(kù)和房間。)
  • 15、Use clean cloths, heat lamps or a drying room.(使用清潔布,加熱等和干燥室。)
  • 16、When used in the home decor white gives a clean, fresh look and really opens up a room.(當(dāng)在家里裝飾白色,會(huì)給人一種潔白,新鮮的感覺(jué),能真正的釋放出空間。)
  • 17、It fills the room with an infectious aroma, and the slices of tender roasted duck meat in a red curry and coconut sauce leaves you no choice but to clean the plate.(它使整個(gè)房間都彌漫著傳染性的香味,細(xì)嫩的烤鴨肉片加上紅咖喱粉和椰子醬是你馬上就把它吃完,別無(wú)選擇。)
  • 18、There was a certain amount of "clean up your room", and there was "you are going to school to do well", and "the teachers are the authority, so pay attention to the teacher."(經(jīng)常可以聽(tīng)到“去清理你自己的房間”,“你要在學(xué)校里好好表現(xiàn)”,“老師是權(quán)威,要重視老師?!?
  • 19、It is capable of sensing its surroundings, and does not simply try to adhere to a pre-planned route, so it is not upset if furniture is moved, or if it is picked up and taken to clean another room.(能夠感應(yīng)它周?chē)沫h(huán)境,并不是簡(jiǎn)單地只按照設(shè)計(jì)好的線(xiàn)路走,所以,即使家具的位置發(fā)生了改變也難不倒它,你還可以把它拿起來(lái),去清潔另一個(gè)房間。)
  • 20、Anyone can figure out how toclean a room once they're motivated to do so.(一旦他們積極的去做,任何人都可以弄清楚如何打掃一間屋子。)
  • 21、I have a small work desk in my room which I make a point to keep clean and tidy.(我的房間里有一個(gè)小辦公桌,我特別注意保持干凈整潔。)
  • 22、It's time to clean our room. We must do a good job.(—是打掃咱們房間的時(shí)候了,我們一定要把它做好。)
  • 23、In one room, a team wielding erasers, brushes and purified water clean and scan 39, 000 yellowing medical records written on everything from card stock to toilet paper.(在其中一個(gè)房間里,一組人使用板擦、刷子和純凈水,清潔并掃描39000張泛黃的病歷卡,這些病例書(shū)寫(xiě)在從卡紙到廁紙?jiān)趦?nèi)的所有東西上。)

clean a room基本釋義