
clean the bedroom造句

clean the bedroom造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:58


clean the bedroom造句

  • 1、Weclean the bedroom every day.(我們每天打掃臥室。) Hao86.com
  • 2、Should dI help youclean the bedroom?(要不要我?guī)湍愦驋吲P室?)
  • 3、We didn't have toclean the bedroom yesterday.(昨天我們沒有必要打掃寢室。)
  • 4、I canclean the bedroom.(我會打掃房間。)
  • 5、Could you please move the big chairs to the bedroom and clean the living room?(請你把大椅子搬到臥室里,并且打掃起居室好嗎?)
  • 6、Mother told Lily how toclean the bedroom.(媽媽教莉莉如何打掃臥室。)
  • 7、Yesterday, I went to their bedroom. Inside the bedroom, it was clean, bt outside the bedroom, in the corridor, it was quite another story.(昨天我去了他們的宿舍,宿舍里面很干凈,但宿舍外面的走廊傷卻是另外一番景象。)
  • 8、Monkey: Mmm … … I canclean the bedroom.(猴子:嗯……我會打掃臥室。)
  • 9、We willclean the bedroom soon.(我們很快要打掃臥室。)
  • 10、It could bring us the robot vacuum that can clean around your complicated media centre and perhaps even something that can tidy up a child's bedroom without putting everything in the wrong place.(它可以給我們帶來的機(jī)器人真空,可以清理你的周圍復(fù)雜的媒體中心,甚至的東西,可以整理一下孩子大局;臥室里沒有把一切都錯(cuò)了地方。)
  • 11、I canclean the bedroom. I can cook the meals. I can wash the clothes.(我能打掃房間。我可以做飯。我會洗衣服。)
  • 12、We told him that we wouldclean the bedroom soon.(我們告訴他我們馬上就打掃臥室。)
  • 13、I clean up every bedroom and the sitting room.(我收拾房間及清理客廳。)
  • 14、I have been asked toclean the bedroom.(我已經(jīng)被要求去打掃臥室。)
  • 15、Can youclean the bedroom?(你會打掃房間嗎?。)
  • 16、It's your turn toclean the bedroom up.(這回輪到你打掃臥室了。)

clean the bedroom基本釋義