
clean the living room造句

clean the living room造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:57


clean the living room造句

  • 1、He bade the servantclean the living room.(他吩咐傭人清理客廳。)
  • 2、If you have to find a new apartment, sell a house, paint the living room, make repairs, clean out closets - you name it - you can do so now.(如果你要找新房子,賣(mài)房子,粉刷客廳,修繕?lè)块g,換個(gè)壁櫥,現(xiàn)在是做這些事的時(shí)候。)
  • 3、Location good, room very clean and spacious, although the living room is the street can be almost silent room, breakfast variety is also very rich.(酒店位置很好,房間也很干凈寬敞,雖然住的是臨街的房間,可室內(nèi)一點(diǎn)聲音都沒(méi)有,早餐品種也非常豐富。)
  • 4、I need toclean the living room for the coming party.(我需要為即將來(lái)臨的晚會(huì)打掃一下客廳。)
  • 5、No, you can't, you need toclean the living room.(不行,你得把客廳收拾干凈了。)
  • 6、Please take good care of room, furniture, electrical equipments and sanitary facilities. Please keep the room and living environment clean.(外國(guó)專(zhuān)家要愛(ài)護(hù)房間、家具、電器和衛(wèi)生設(shè)施,保持室內(nèi)衛(wèi)生清潔,生活環(huán)境整潔。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 7、And then the other things: dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto living in one room a kilometre from clean water.(然后還有其他的一些:街上的狗,索維托地區(qū)一大家人擠在離干凈水源一千米的屋里。)
  • 8、I have toclean the living room.(我必須打掃客廳。)
  • 9、He says to the centipede, “Goclean the living room .”(他跟蜈蚣說(shuō):“去打掃客廳?!?
  • 10、It can be something as simple as "Joe walks into the bar" or "Sharon starts to clean up the cluttered living room."(比如“喬走進(jìn)了酒吧”或“莎倫開(kāi)始清理凌亂的客廳”。)
  • 11、Could you please move the big chairs to the bedroom andclean the living room?(請(qǐng)你把大椅子搬到臥室里,并且打掃起居室好嗎?)
  • 12、In many Chinese households, alas, the bathroom and kitchen seem not even to count as parts of the apartment. This attitude is regrettable, I think; they should be as clean as the living room!(而在很多中國(guó)人的家里,唉,衛(wèi)生間和廚房似乎算不上房子的一部分,我覺(jué)得這種態(tài)度令人遺憾,這些地方應(yīng)該像客廳一樣干凈。)
  • 13、After you finish washing your face, you notice the mess in the living room or the kitchen. Maybe you had guests last night and didn't want to clean up.(洗完臉,你發(fā)現(xiàn)起居室或廚房一團(tuán)亂麻,也許昨晚來(lái)了客人,你也不想打掃了。)

clean the living room基本釋義