
clear the air造句

clear the air造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:56


clear the air造句

  • 1、Don't rely on an air conditioner, ventilation system or an open window toclear the air.(不要依賴空調(diào),排氣系統(tǒng)或打開(kāi)窗戶來(lái)清潔空氣。)
  • 2、The husband and wife finallyclear the air.(那對(duì)夫妻最終和好如初了!)
  • 3、The Airparif monitoring agency said smog density was still near alert levels Monday, but rain forecast for Tuesday was expected toclear the air.(空氣監(jiān)測(cè)機(jī)構(gòu)表示,周一霧霾濃度仍然處于警戒水平,但是預(yù)計(jì)周二的降雨能夠凈化空氣。)
  • 4、example:You'd better open the windows toclear the air.(你最好是打開(kāi)窗子讓空氣流通.)
  • 5、For example, if you're obsessed with the thought that your boss hates you, speak to them, and if necessary,clear the air.(比如,如果你老是擔(dān)心你的上司討厭你,對(duì)他們說(shuō)出你的想法,如果可能的話,消除隔閡。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、Some say it willclear the air.(有人說(shuō)這將會(huì)消除一切疑慮;)
  • 7、In an interview with CNN, which was taped Saturday and aired Monday, Mr. Berlusconi pledged to publiclyclear the air.(在接受CNN采訪時(shí),貝盧斯科尼承諾公開(kāi)澄清此事。這期節(jié)目上周六錄制,于本周一播出。)
  • 8、She says she wants toclear the air, whatever that means.(她說(shuō)她想把話都說(shuō)明白了,鬼知道她什么意思。)
  • 9、You could find yourself coming up with a few bright new ideas today, and you should have a fresh chance toclear the air in any and all matters.(你可以找到自己拿出一些新的想法明亮的今天,您應(yīng)該有一個(gè)新的機(jī)會(huì),以清除空氣中的任何及所有事項(xiàng)。)
  • 10、You may want toclear the air where older relatives are concerned.(你可能需要和長(zhǎng)輩消除誤解。)
  • 11、clear the air. This idiom comes from the fact that, when there is smoke or fog in the air, it is difficult to see.(消除誤會(huì)。這個(gè)習(xí)語(yǔ)源于這樣一個(gè)事實(shí),當(dāng)空氣中煙霧彌漫時(shí),是很難看到東西的。)
  • 12、Make use of this opportunity toclear the air.(盡可能把握這次機(jī)會(huì),消除誤會(huì)和隔閡。)
  • 13、Toclear the air Tomas came out with as sprightly a fine, just fine!(為了消除緊張氣氛,托馬斯盡可能輕松地說(shuō)出幾個(gè)字來(lái):“好,還好!”)
  • 14、Artificial lights block formation of molecules that bond with air pollutants toclear the air.(人工照明系統(tǒng)阻礙了空氣污染物與水分子的結(jié)合,起到了凈化空氣的作用。)
  • 15、Frame it as a chance toclear the air.(把這作為消除誤會(huì),澄清事實(shí)的一次機(jī)會(huì)。)
  • 16、The 2008 summer games impelled those in charge of the Chinese capital toclear the air.(2008年夏季奧運(yùn)會(huì)驅(qū)使首都負(fù)責(zé)人改善空氣質(zhì)量。)
  • 17、Once you forgive yourself, it's also important toclear the air with others.(一旦你寬恕了自己,同樣重要的是取得他人的諒解。)
  • 18、When you're feeling calm and rational, go see your boss toclear the air.(當(dāng)你覺(jué)得自己冷靜下來(lái)并且理性的時(shí)候,去見(jiàn)你的老板消除誤會(huì)。)
  • 19、If we want to keep this customer, we must have a meeting toclear the air about the recent customer complaints.(如果我們要留住這個(gè)客戶,我們必須約他們面談,澄清誤會(huì),解決近期出現(xiàn)的客戶投訴問(wèn)題。)
  • 20、Gretchen calls Self and asks him to deliver a message to Sara.She wants to meet her and "clear the air." Sara refuses.(格雷琴致電給賽爾夫,請(qǐng)他帶個(gè)口信給莎拉,她想和莎拉冰釋前嫌,莎拉拒絕了。)
  • 21、From their experience, I learn that make everything clear is the best wayclear the air.(從他們的經(jīng)歷中,我知道了消除誤會(huì)的最好方法是把事情說(shuō)清楚。)
  • 22、It needs to rain, toclear the air.(實(shí)在是得下場(chǎng)雨,清潔一下空氣了。)
  • 23、Now, before I begin, I'd just like toclear the air about that little controversy everybody was talking about a few weeks back.(現(xiàn)在,在我開(kāi)始之前,我想澄清一下早幾個(gè)星期以前大家都在辯論的一件事情。)
  • 24、The rumor mill is flowing about new PSP hardware and a PSP phone, and I just wanted to take the time toclear the air.(論壇網(wǎng)友無(wú)責(zé)任翻譯:“對(duì)于近期關(guān)于新的PSP和PSP電話的謠言,我只是想澄清一個(gè)事實(shí)。)
  • 25、If something has been bothering you today, you can discuss it andclear the air in such a way that there will be no negative feelings.(如果今天有什么事情讓你煩惱,你可以討論并且通過(guò)這種方式豁然開(kāi)朗而不會(huì)產(chǎn)生任何負(fù)面情緒。)

clear the air基本釋義

clear the air

英 [kli? e? e?(r)] 美 [kl?r ei er] 
使空氣恢復(fù)新鮮; 澄清事實(shí); 消除誤會(huì)