
close-up view造句

close-up view造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:50


close-up view造句

  • 1、With Jenny distracted by her work, I had a freeclose-up view of the kind I'd rarely had.(當(dāng)jenny在忙手頭的工作時(shí),我有近距離免費(fèi)觀看這個(gè)難得看到的東西。)
  • 2、And if so he will have aclose-up view of another top winger - Giggs.(而且這樣他就能近距離觀察另一個(gè)頂級(jí)邊鋒——吉格斯。)
  • 3、This NAC image shows aclose-up view of the apparent source of those rays, a crater 110 kilometers (68 miles) in diameter located in the northern region of Mercury.(窄角鏡頭拍攝的圖像近距離展示了輻射紋清晰可見(jiàn)的源頭----位于水星北部區(qū)域的一個(gè)直徑110公里的隕石坑。)
  • 4、Hubble's remarkably sharp,close-up view reveals undulating shapes sculpted by the energetic light and winds from the region's new born stars.(哈勃的這張異常清晰的特寫(xiě)照片揭示了由新生恒星發(fā)出的高能光線(xiàn)和風(fēng)所塑造的星云起伏的外形。)
  • 5、Shots are classified into four types: long-view shot, middle-view shot, close-up shot and out of field shot, using field rate, shape and areas of player in the field.(通過(guò)對(duì)場(chǎng)地分割結(jié)果中場(chǎng)地比例、場(chǎng)地中球員形狀和面積等特征的分析,將鏡頭分為長(zhǎng)鏡頭、中鏡頭、特寫(xiě)鏡頭和場(chǎng)外鏡頭四類(lèi)。)
  • 6、The top image shows a wide-area view, and the bottom image shows aclose-up view of the oil slick (outlined in white in the top image).(上方的圖片顯示了此地區(qū)大范圍的圖像,下方的圖片顯示了放大后的海面浮油(上圖中白色框框出的部分)。)
  • 7、Some enthusiasts in India were on board a special chartered flight for aclose-up view of the eclipse.(為了近距離地觀賞日食,一些印度的狂熱粉絲甚至租用了飛機(jī)。)
  • 8、Digital zoom allows users to capture and view close-ups of minute details by zooming up to 400% into an image.(數(shù)字式徒升允許用戶(hù)奪取和觀看詳細(xì)的細(xì)節(jié)特寫(xiě)鏡頭由迅速移動(dòng)400%入圖象。)
  • 9、This is aclose-up view of an old skirt hemmer.(這是一個(gè)老式裙子縫邊器的特寫(xiě)鏡頭。)
  • 10、I have had aclose-up view of numerous business failures — including a few start-ups of my own.(我曾對(duì)無(wú)數(shù)企業(yè)倒閉事件(也包括我自己的幾個(gè)初創(chuàng)企業(yè))作過(guò)近距離觀察。)
  • 11、Close up view. Leave those sink mark, later I'll show you a method to "cut" the excess decal.(來(lái)個(gè)特寫(xiě),看看那些壓痕,以后我會(huì)告訴你如何切掉多余的貼紙。)
  • 12、After transfering to the canoes you paddle through the mangrove forest to get a close up view of this unique eco-system.(在登上獨(dú)木舟后,劃動(dòng)您手中的船槳,經(jīng)過(guò)紅樹(shù)林,您就能讓自己置身于此獨(dú)特的生態(tài)環(huán)境中。)
  • 13、This artist's concept depicts what a gamma-ray burst might look like if we could view it up close (this is not something we'd recommend).(這幅藝術(shù)想象圖描繪的是在近處觀察我們可不建議這么做:伽馬射線(xiàn)爆發(fā)時(shí)的景象。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 14、Look at the clock inclose-up view.(看看在近距離查看時(shí)鐘。)
  • 15、For instance, Amazon's iPad app, called Windowshop, shows many images and lets people browse and view close-up shots of items.(例如,亞馬遜的iPad應(yīng)用程序叫做窗戶(hù)商店,它展示了很多照片讓人們?yōu)g覽查看商品的特寫(xiě)。)
  • 16、I often have a 2nd window open in Photoshop with the same screen view at 200% so I can quickly see how my drawing looks up close and also from a little further away at the same time.(我經(jīng)常與在同一屏幕上200%認(rèn)為第二窗口在Photoshop中打開(kāi),所以我可以很快地看到我的畫(huà)如何查找,也從一個(gè)小遠(yuǎn)在同一時(shí)間關(guān)閉。)
  • 17、Glass hives offer aclose-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.(玻璃蜂房可以近距離觀察工作中的蜜蜂,每個(gè)蜂房的蜂王都被打上白點(diǎn)標(biāo)記。)
  • 18、Case in point: an engineer planning a trip to Spain found that he could not get aclose-up view of the hotel since the road was too narrow for the Google Street view car to enter.(一個(gè)很好的例子是:一位計(jì)劃去西班牙旅游的工程師發(fā)現(xiàn)自己無(wú)法獲得入駐旅店的近景,因?yàn)樗诮值捞?,街景?chē)進(jìn)不去。)
  • 19、I had the chance to view that organization up close this month when I canvassed for him.(在為他拉票的這個(gè)月中,我有機(jī)會(huì)近距離地觀察他的競(jìng)選機(jī)構(gòu)。)
  • 20、After being in the treatment room for the early part of Johnson's arrival Kompany admits he had not had a close up view of the young winger but he too was hugely impressed.(在早前約翰遜剛來(lái)到球隊(duì)的時(shí)候,孔帕尼還在治療室里。他剛開(kāi)始確實(shí)對(duì)這名年輕的邊路球員還沒(méi)有什么印象,但現(xiàn)在印象就已經(jīng)非常深了。)

close-up view基本釋義

close-up view

英 [?kl?uz?p vju:] 美 [?klos??p vju] 
接近的觀察; 特寫(xiě)鏡頭