
computer room造句

computer room造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:04


computer room造句

  • 1、There are six computers in the schoolcomputer room.(學(xué)校的機房里現(xiàn)在有六臺電腦。)
  • 2、The new school has a newcomputer room and a new art room.(這所新學(xué)校安裝了一臺新電腦教室和一個新的藝術(shù)的房間。)
  • 3、"Let's go to thecomputer room, " I replied.(“網(wǎng)絡(luò)上有,要不去電腦室看看?”我回應(yīng)說。)
  • 4、Have you just been to thecomputer room?(你剛才去過計算機房了嗎?)
  • 5、Thecomputer room is very big.(電腦室很大。)
  • 6、Please visit ourcomputer room first.(請首先訪問我們的計算機房。)
  • 7、Is this thecomputer room?(這是計算機房嗎?)
  • 8、There's acomputer room.(那里有一間電腦室。)
  • 9、Thecomputer room is next to the art room.(計算機室挨著美術(shù)室。)
  • 10、Do we have acomputer room?(我們有電腦室嗎?)
  • 11、We have computer Studies in thecomputer room.(我在機房里上計算機課。)
  • 12、I have acomputer room on the ground floor.(我們老師的辦公室在電腦室與教室之間。)
  • 13、Is there acomputer room in your school?(你的學(xué)校有一個電腦房么?)
  • 14、Thecomputer room is another place I like to staying.(計算機房是另一個我想呆的地方。)
  • 15、Where's your teacher? He's in thecomputer room.(你的老師在哪里?他在電腦教室里。)
  • 16、No computer games should be played in thecomputer room.(不可在電腦室內(nèi)玩電子游戲。)
  • 17、Has she got acomputer room?(她有微機室嗎?)
  • 18、They have (build) a newcomputer room.(我們有一間(修建)新電腦房。)
  • 19、Our school has a bigcomputer room.(我們學(xué)校有一個大的電腦室。)
  • 20、On the left of the playground is thecomputer room.(操場左邊是計算機房。)
  • 21、We learn and draw in thecomputer room.(我們在電腦室里學(xué)習(xí)和畫畫。)
  • 22、Thecomputer room can hold 70 students.(電腦室能容納70名學(xué)生。)
  • 23、He is playing games in thecomputer room.(他正在電腦室玩游戲。) haO86.com
  • 24、Is there acomputer room at the school?(學(xué)校里有電腦房嗎?)

computer room基本釋義

computer room

英 [k?m?pju:t? ru:m] 美 [k?m?pjut? rum] 
