
concentrate on造句

concentrate on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:02


concentrate on造句

  • 1、There are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required toconcentrate on more than one task.(適應(yīng)是有限度的,如果要求一個(gè)人集中精力完成好幾個(gè)任務(wù),那么吵鬧的噪音就會(huì)帶來更大的困擾。)
  • 2、The people next door are making so much noise, I just can'tconcentrate on.(隔壁的人太吵了,我根本無法集中注意力。)
  • 3、Generally, the students whoconcentrate on Latin American literature find themselves researching in the history section a lot.(一般來講,專注于學(xué)習(xí)拉美文學(xué)的學(xué)生會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在歷史方面有很多研究。)
  • 4、Do we want instead to redirect those funds toconcentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?(我們希望把這些資金重新投入到風(fēng)險(xiǎn)較低的地區(qū)嗎?)
  • 5、We need toconcentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.(我們須針對(duì)我們的聽眾對(duì)象,即年齡在20到30歲之間的婦女。)
  • 6、It was up to him toconcentrate on his studies and make something of himself.(他能否專心學(xué)習(xí)并有所成就取決于他自己。)
  • 7、In this lecture I shallconcentrate on the early years of Charles's reign.(這一節(jié)課我將著重講查理王朝的早期統(tǒng)治時(shí)期。)
  • 8、If some reefs are destroyed by storms, starfish populations that inhabited those reefs would have to condense andconcentrate on the reefs that are left.(如果一些珊瑚礁被風(fēng)暴摧毀了,居住在那些珊瑚礁上的海星種群將不得不集中在剩下的珊瑚礁上。)
  • 9、He can nowconcentrate on a project he'd originally put to one side.(他現(xiàn)在能集中做他以前暫時(shí)擱置一邊的一個(gè)項(xiàng)目了。)
  • 10、We should not justconcentrate on one thing to the neglect of everything else.(不能只抓一頭,把別的事都撇在一旁。)
  • 11、I am leaving toconcentrate on writing fiction.(我要離開去專心寫小說。)
  • 12、I'd like toconcentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theatre to the world's attention.(我想專注于亞洲戲劇,并努力讓世界關(guān)注亞洲戲劇。)
  • 13、Teachers begin with a formal address and mutual bowing, and thenconcentrate on whole-class teaching.(老師們首先進(jìn)行了正式致辭并相互鞠躬,然后專注于全班教學(xué)。)
  • 14、concentrate on what you are saying.(專注于你所說的。)
  • 15、They would have toconcentrate on natural processes that continue at a constant rate and that also leave some sort of tangible record in the rocks.(他們必須專注于以恒定速度持續(xù)的自然過程,并且在巖石中留下某種有形的記錄。)
  • 16、We need toconcentrate on our core business.(我們需要集中在核心業(yè)務(wù)上。)
  • 17、He is leaving the band toconcentrate on his writing.(他要離開樂隊(duì)去專職寫作。)
  • 18、What do we want toconcentrate on?(我們想要關(guān)注什么?)
  • 19、Examinations are probably a poor instrument for measuring the quality of education because theyconcentrate on grades instead of abilities.(考試可能不是一個(gè)衡量教育質(zhì)量的好方法,因?yàn)榭荚嚫粗爻煽?jī)而不是能力。)
  • 20、"They get spoiled and cannotconcentrate on any one thing long enough to learn from it," said Lerner, a childhood development researcher.(“他們被寵壞了,無法長(zhǎng)時(shí)間專注于一件事,也無法從中學(xué)到什么?!币幻欣准{的兒童發(fā)展研究員說。)
  • 21、concentrate on things you can.(全身心投入到你能做的事情上。)
  • 22、It is a rare school that allows pupils toconcentrate on those things they do well.(很少有學(xué)校能讓低年級(jí)的學(xué)生集中精力做他們擅長(zhǎng)的事情。)
  • 23、I can'tconcentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.(噪音讓我無法專注于學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 24、They willconcentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.(他們將重點(diǎn)教授閱讀、寫作和算術(shù)的基本要點(diǎn)。)
  • 25、Like, "Wait a minute, is this OK?" "Do we want instead to redirect those funds toconcentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?"(比如,“等下,這樣行嗎?”“我們是不是想把這些資金重新投向風(fēng)險(xiǎn)較低的地區(qū)?”)
  • 26、Justconcentrate on the important ideas she's talked about in the class, and ignore the details.(只要專注于她在課堂上談?wù)摰闹匾枷耄雎约?xì)節(jié)就可以了。) hao86.com
  • 27、Last time, we discussed some patterns of animal behaviour, and in today's lecture we willconcentrate on the methods used in the study of animals.(上節(jié)課我們討論了動(dòng)物行為的一些模式,今天的課我們將集中討論動(dòng)物研究中使用的方法。)
  • 28、Businesses will be able toconcentrate on what they know how do best.(企業(yè)將能夠集中在他們知道如何做得最好的事情上。)
  • 29、Toconcentrate on getting a sound basic education first, then to reapproach the Temple if still interested.(先集中精力接受良好的基礎(chǔ)教育,然后如果仍然感興趣的話再去寺廟。)
  • 30、Others, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and toconcentrate on high-value crops such as cotton.(然而,另一些人則采納了這樣一種理念,即最好是在仍然有利可圖之時(shí)利用水,并集中用在棉花等高價(jià)值作物上。)

concentrate on基本釋義

concentrate on

英 [?k?ns?ntreit ?n] 美 [?kɑns?n?tret ɑn] 
集中于; 專心于