
concentration on造句

concentration on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:02


concentration on造句

  • 1、The effects of reaction temperature and chlorideconcentration on the deposition rate of metal are also discussed.(同時(shí)還討論了反應(yīng)溫度和氯化物濃度對(duì)金屬沉積速度的影響。)
  • 2、Tennis requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strongconcentration on the game.(打乒乓球不僅需要強(qiáng)壯的臂力和腿部力量,還需要集中精力。)
  • 3、You can develop a very focusedconcentration on progressive issues.(你可以對(duì)革新課題產(chǎn)生相當(dāng)大的集中興趣。)
  • 4、The Greekconcentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations.(希臘人之專注于幾何迷糊了后世好幾代人的視界。)
  • 5、Most people, at least once per day, will loseconcentration on not biting their nails.(大多數(shù)人一天中至少一次會(huì)無意識(shí)地咬指甲。)
  • 6、The service is developed using a technology familiar to the developer with aconcentration on the business logic: in this case, how to create audit trails for payments.(服務(wù)使用開發(fā)人員熟悉的技術(shù)開發(fā),開發(fā)時(shí)重點(diǎn)考慮業(yè)務(wù)邏輯:在本例中,即如何創(chuàng)建支付的審核跟蹤。)
  • 7、The effect of the initiatorconcentration on the speed and temperature profile of frontal polymerization was investigated.(研究了引發(fā)劑濃度對(duì)前端速度和溫度分布的影響。)
  • 8、Influences of temperature and ionconcentration on ion migration time in capillary ion analysis are studied.(定量考察了毛細(xì)管離子分析中溫度及離子濃度對(duì)遷移時(shí)間的影響。)
  • 9、It focuses yourconcentration on the model and minimizes your attention to implementation details.(它使得您可以將注意力放在模型上,從而避免更多地關(guān)注實(shí)施方面的細(xì)節(jié)問題。)
  • 10、Hisconcentration on the problem was admirable.(他對(duì)那個(gè)問題的專注令人欽佩。)
  • 11、Conclusion: Patients with ACS show significantly increased coexpression of CD40 system and circadian variation at CD40Lconcentration on platelets.(結(jié)論急性冠脈綜合征患者血小板表達(dá)的CD40及CD40L顯著增高,且血小板表達(dá)的CD40l呈現(xiàn)出晝夜節(jié)律的變化規(guī)律。)
  • 12、A telling sign of misplaced priorities is theconcentration on health, not environmental issues.(首要問題定位不當(dāng)?shù)囊粋€(gè)顯著標(biāo)志就是專注于健康而非環(huán)境問題。)
  • 13、If the target creature fails its save, the psychic rogue can remain hidden as long as he maintainsconcentration on this ability.(如果目標(biāo)生物未能通過豁免,靈能游蕩者可以一直隱藏,只要他保持專注于這項(xiàng)能力。)
  • 14、Recall that I earlier claimed an over-concentration on functional testing is a classic mistake.(回憶一下我前面曾說過,過分集中于功能測(cè)試是一個(gè)典型錯(cuò)誤。)
  • 15、The effect of the eluentconcentration on retention value was studied.(研究了淋洗液濃度對(duì)保留值的影響,當(dāng)淋洗液濃度增大時(shí),保留值減小。)
  • 16、The layout of the workplace will helpconcentration on the perception and integration of measurements from the patient, anaesthetic equipment and monitoring devices.(工作環(huán)境的布局幫助將注意力集中于感知和整合來自病畜、麻醉設(shè)備和監(jiān)測(cè)儀器的測(cè)量。)
  • 17、One thing that can hold joy back is a person'sconcentration on avoiding failure rather than their looking forward to doing something well.(有一件事會(huì)抑制快樂,那就是一個(gè)人專注于避免失敗,而不是期待把事情做好。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 18、The focus andconcentration on one task at a time pays dividends in faster and better quality writing.(在某個(gè)時(shí)間,專心致志的去寫文章,就會(huì)寫的比較快,文字質(zhì)量也會(huì)很高。)
  • 19、The structural moment ofconcentration on the code for its own sake cannot be avoided, and literature necessarily breeds its own formalism.(集中在代碼上的結(jié)構(gòu)瞬間,因?yàn)樗旧淼脑虿豢杀苊?,文學(xué)必要地導(dǎo)致了它自身的形式主義。)
  • 20、Finally, the effects of the high temperature-pressure-concentration on the collection efficiency are discussed.(本文最后討論了高溫高壓和高濃度對(duì)分離效率的影響。)
  • 21、Why the emphasis on traditional Chinese culture this time? And furthermore, why theconcentration on Beijing opera as the main inspiration?(這次為何把重點(diǎn)放在中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)文化?另外,為何將京劇作為主要靈感。)
  • 22、He once described the future as "the rapids" -traversable terrain that required intenseconcentration on the task in hand.(它將所能看到的未來稱作“湍流”——這個(gè)遍歷的過程需要將精力高度集中在手頭的任務(wù)上。)
  • 23、The effect is caused by the increase of nickelconcentration on the electrode surface.(這種結(jié)果是由于電極表面鎳濃度的增加所引起的。)
  • 24、AIM: to investigate the effect of high glucose with variousconcentration on apoptosis of human lens epithelial cells.(目的:研究不同濃度的高糖對(duì)人晶狀體上皮細(xì)胞凋亡的作用。)
  • 25、Besides, the influences of sound pressure level, residence time and initial total numberconcentration on agglomeration were investigated.(同時(shí),研究了聲壓級(jí)、停留時(shí)間和氣溶膠初始濃度等參數(shù)對(duì)聲波團(tuán)聚的影響。)
  • 26、Objective:To obsreve the effect of cellconcentration on hemopoietic stem cell cryopreservation.(目的:觀察細(xì)胞濃度對(duì)造血干細(xì)胞凍存效果的影響。)
  • 27、They made a joyful sound, but again I lost myconcentration on God.(我又一次走了神。)
  • 28、It was found that the oxygenconcentration on carbon black surface is proportional to the ozone supplied per unit area of carbon black surface.(研究表明,碳黑的表面含氧量與提供給單位碳黑表面的臭氧量成正比。)

concentration on基本釋義