
come home造句

come home造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:24


come home造句

  • 1、You mustn'tcome home late.(你不準回家太晚。)
  • 2、You can have your tea as soon as youcome home from school.(你放學一回到家就可以吃晚點。)
  • 3、We walk for about an hour and a half, and then if we can resist the siren sound of the pub—which we usually can't—wecome home.(我們走一個半小時,然后,如果我們能夠忍受得了酒吧的警報聲——通常我們忍受不了——我們就回家。)
  • 4、Fu Gui, 33, was reconnected with his birth parents after using "Babycome home", a Chinese website that helps people find their missing children.(33歲的付貴通過“寶貝回家”這個幫助人們尋找失蹤孩子的中文網站,與親生父母重新取得了聯(lián)系。)
  • 5、I will sooncome home, and then I will bring Kay with me.(我不久就要回家去了,那時我會把加伊一起帶回去。)
  • 6、His family raised the alarm when he had notcome home by 9 p.m.(當他到晚上9點還沒回家時,他的家人報了警。)
  • 7、"I wish my father wouldcome home," he said.(“我希望我爸爸能回家?!彼f。)
  • 8、It worries me that he hasn'tcome home yet.(他還沒有回家,這叫我放心不下。)
  • 9、Please, sir, I wouldcome home if I was you.(拜托了,先生,如果我是你,我會回家的。)
  • 10、When Icome home from work, I have nothing to say.(當我下班回家時,我無話可說。)
  • 11、Appeasement hascome home to roost.(綏靖已自食其果。)
  • 12、When he did notcome home she pictured him lying dead on the roadside somewhere.(他還沒回家的時候,她想象著他已橫尸路邊了。)
  • 13、When he had looked at her a while, he said: "So you havecome home again, Heidi?"(他看了她一會兒,說:“海蒂,你又回來了?”)
  • 14、If youcome home at about 2 or 2:30 in the morning, near our apartment, you can still see rather large rats dashing across the street.(如果你是在凌晨兩點或兩點半回家,在我們的公寓附近,你仍會看到在街上亂竄的特大號老鼠。)
  • 15、Without the microchip, the cat would never be able tocome home again.(沒有微芯片,貓就再也回不來了。)
  • 16、Mester Craven'llcome home.(克雷文老爺快回來了。)
  • 17、She should put yellow handkerchief on the tree and I'd get off andcome home.(她應該把黃手帕掛在樹上,我就可以下車回家了。)
  • 18、My dad used tocome home drunk, shouting and cussing.(我爹以前常常喝醉了回家,又是喊又是罵。)
  • 19、Let hercome home safely!(讓她平平安安回家吧!)
  • 20、He muncome home—he muncome home.(他一定會回家的——他一定會回家的。)
  • 21、Baby, pleasecome home.(寶貝,請回家吧。)
  • 22、A week later the mouse and the hamstercome home.(一個星期后,老鼠和倉鼠來到家里。)
  • 23、Can Icome home again tonight?(今晚我能回家嗎?)
  • 24、"You let mecome home again," the child explained.(“你讓我又回家了?!焙⒆咏忉屨f。)
  • 25、If you have an awful day by accident, you willcome home to a bed that is made that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.(如果你不小心度過了糟糕的一天,你回家后會看到一張自己鋪好的床。鋪好的床會給你鼓勵,讓你相信明天會更好。)
  • 26、Is it really time for him tocome home!(他已經放學了嗎?)
  • 27、All I'm hoping for is that wherever Trevor is he willcome home safe and sound.(我所希望的是不論特雷弗在哪兒他都能安然無恙地回家。)
  • 28、If you do not like it, you cancome home again and by that time grandfather will have forgiven us.(如果你不喜歡,你可以再回家,到時候爺爺就會原諒我們了。)
  • 29、I work in the city, you see, so I might have tocome home early for that one.(你知道,我在城里工作,所以我可能得早點回家。) haO86.com
  • 30、He gets dressed before wecome home.(他們在我們回家之前穿好衣服。)

come home基本釋義

come home

英 [k?m h?um] 美 [k?m hom] 

動詞回家,被完全理解; 回本國; 擊中要害