
come down to造句

come down to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:25


come down to造句

  • 1、They even sleep in the treetops, so they do not have tocome down to the ground.(它們甚至在樹頂睡覺,所以它們不用到地面上來。)
  • 2、We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs tocome down to feed and sleep every so often, right?(我們會認為它遷徙的整個區(qū)域就是它的棲息地,因為在長途旅行中,它需要經(jīng)常下來進食和睡覺,對吧?)
  • 3、It's allcome down to this—a Cinderella story.(這一切都歸結于此——一個灰姑娘的故事。)
  • 4、It would then allcome down to enforcement.(那么,關鍵就在于執(zhí)行了。)
  • 5、But tell me, what did youcome down to Netherfield for?(可是請你告訴我,你這次上尼日斐花園來是干什么的?)
  • 6、But by 2050 this will havecome down to only two workers for every pensioner.(預計到2050年,負擔會加重,每2個工人就需要供養(yǎng)1位老人。)
  • 7、It maycome down to branding issues, control, or job security; we just don't know.(它可以歸結為品牌問題、控制或就業(yè)保障;問題出在哪里我真的不知道。)
  • 8、Our choicescome down to staying here or leaving here.(我們的選擇實際上就是留在這里還是離開這里兩條道路。)
  • 9、Such a custom hascome down to the present moment.(這種風俗一直流傳到現(xiàn)在。)
  • 10、I never thought he wouldcome down to begging.(我怎么也想不到他會淪落到乞討為生。)
  • 11、Opinions about which approach is bettercome down to the Mac vs. Windows debate.(對于哪種方式更好的評價涉及到Mac與Windows對比的爭論。)
  • 12、And rent it out in the winter time for the snowbirds thatcome down to the desert.(李維斯說,“然后在冬天租出去,總有些北方來的候鳥族喜歡在這荒漠里過冬的?!?
  • 13、Could itcome down to zero?(能否繼續(xù)減少至零?)
  • 14、I'llcome down to you.(我要下來打你!)
  • 15、Right. What I want now is two volunteers tocome down to the front.(對了。我現(xiàn)在需要的就是兩個自告奮勇者到前面來。)
  • 16、This has to do with factors whichcome down to being simply economic.(歸根結底都是與經(jīng)濟方面的因素有關。)
  • 17、What happens next maycome down to how impulsive you are.(接下來會發(fā)生什么事,就要看你的購物沖動了。)
  • 18、"come down to us," they said. "We will not harm you."(他們對她說:“我們不會傷害你的?!?
  • 19、Choose a man and have himcome down to me.(可以從你們中間揀選一人,使他下到我這里來。)
  • 20、When youcome down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed.(然而,歸結起來,生活的基本問題并未改變。)
  • 21、Many financial decisionscome down to this exact problem.(很多財務決定都歸結到這個問題上。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 22、It was some time before Heidi remembered that, after all, she hadcome down to meet the doctor.(過了好一會兒海蒂才想起,她畢竟是下來迎接醫(yī)生的。)
  • 23、I'llcome down to open the door for you.(我下去給你開門。)
  • 24、And that may very wellcome down to Canada's stature as a curling powerhouse.(結局如何,或許在很大程度上取決于加拿大在冰壺比賽上的發(fā)揮。)
  • 25、And Ahaziah king of Judah wascome down to see Joram.(猶大王亞哈謝已經(jīng)下去看望他。)
  • 26、Since then it may havecome down to $50 billion.(從那時起,它的價值可能已經(jīng)下降到500億美元。)
  • 27、Why don't youcome down to live among us again?(你為什么不下來和我們一起住呢?)

come down to基本釋義

come down to

英 [k?m daun tu:] 美 [k?m da?n tu] 
