
come here造句

come here造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:24


come here造句

  • 1、Those who wish tocome here will do so at their own risk.(那些想來這里的人來的話將要自擔(dān)風(fēng)險。)
  • 2、Tourists usuallycome here in summer.(在夏天,旅行者經(jīng)常來這里。)
  • 3、come here and let me kiss it better.(過來讓我親一親就不疼了。)
  • 4、come here on Friday afternoon every week.(每周星期五下午來這里。)
  • 5、'come here at once!' she ordered.(“馬上過來!”她命令道。)
  • 6、Swans won'tcome here.(天鵝不會來這兒的。)
  • 7、No, theycome here to be woken up.(不,他們來這里是想讓人喚醒他們。)
  • 8、Icome here by bike.(我乘自行車來上學(xué)。)
  • 9、If you want meat or fish, don'tcome here.(如果你想吃肉或魚,就不要來這里。)
  • 10、come here. Do you see anything here?(到這里來。你在這里看到什么了嗎?)
  • 11、Shouldn't wecome here?(我們不應(yīng)該來這里嗎?)
  • 12、I assured him we didn'tcome here to proselytize.(我向他保證我們并不是來改變他的信仰的。)
  • 13、What a pity you couldn'tcome here yesterday!(昨天你不能來,這真是件憾事!)
  • 14、He has notcome here yet!(他還沒來到這兒呢!) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、Theycome here with their ologies knowing nothing about life.(他們帶著自己的種種學(xué)問來到這里,對人生卻一無所知。)
  • 16、Does Fredcome here often?(弗雷德常來這兒嗎?)
  • 17、You mustcome here sometime.(你一定要找個時間過來。)
  • 18、And such a crowdcome here!(而且還有那么一大群人來到這里!)
  • 19、That's why touristscome here.(這就是游客到這里來的原因。)
  • 20、I prefer and my family prefer tocome here.(我更喜歡這里,我的家人也愿意來者。)
  • 21、Why youcome here?(你為什么來這里?)
  • 22、come here, you little rascal!(過來,你這個小壞蛋!)
  • 23、come here, you little bugger!(過來,你這個小渾蛋!)
  • 24、I hadcome here to paint.(我到這兒來是刷漆的。)
  • 25、Studentscome here from the four corners of the world.(學(xué)生從世界各地來到這里。)
  • 26、The ski resorts are expanding to meet the growing number of skiers thatcome here.(該滑雪勝地正在擴(kuò)建以應(yīng)付來這里滑雪的不斷增長的人數(shù)。)
  • 27、Lord knows how tha'come here.(天知道你是怎么到這兒來的。)
  • 28、come here, doggie!(小狗,到這兒來。)
  • 29、come here, you cheeky little monkey!(過來,你這沒有教養(yǎng)的小搗蛋鬼!)
  • 30、come here, my darling.(親愛的,過來這邊。)

come here基本釋義

come here

英 [k?m hi?] 美 [k?m ?h?ri] 
