
comic book造句

comic book造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:17


comic book造句

  • 1、It's a bluecomic book.(它是一本藍(lán)色的漫畫書。)
  • 2、May I have thatcomic book, please?(我能要那本連環(huán)畫嗎?)
  • 3、I am going to buy a newcomic book.(我打算買一本新的漫畫書。)
  • 4、Gravett saidcomic book writing was flourishing as an art form.(格雷維特說漫畫書寫作風(fēng)氣非常興盛。漫畫也是一種藝術(shù)。)
  • 5、Despite being gifted with superpowers, Doctor Strange is different from othercomic book heroes.(盡管被賦予了超能力,但“奇異博士”卻和其他漫畫書中的英雄截然不同。)
  • 6、He is looking for hiscomic book.(他在找他的漫畫書。)
  • 7、I spend ten Yuan buying acomic book.(這本漫畫書花了我十塊錢。)
  • 8、I have acomic book.(我有一本漫畫書。)
  • 9、Thecomic book Spider man was made into a movie in 2002.(《蜘蛛俠》這部漫畫在2002年被改編成電影。)
  • 10、Read a book or acomic book every month.(每個(gè)月讀一本書或一本漫畫書。)
  • 11、Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of acomic book.(他們擁有能夠抵御幾乎所有災(zāi)難的能力,這讓他們看起來像是漫畫書里的人物。)
  • 12、Did you call thecomic book writer?(你給漫畫書作者打電話了嗎?)
  • 13、That's why he works in acomic book store.(這就是他在漫畫書店工作的原因。)
  • 14、On the Internet there are some goodcomic book sites to be found.(在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上能找到一些很棒的漫畫書網(wǎng)站。)
  • 15、He was the firstcomic book hero.(他是第一個(gè)漫畫英雄。)
  • 16、He is a painter. He is going to buy acomic book.(他是一位畫家。他打算去買一本漫畫書。)
  • 17、I have just read thatcomic book.(我剛讀過那本漫畫書。)
  • 18、Can I read thiscomic book?(我可以看這本漫畫嗎?)
  • 19、In thecomic book we are shipwrecked.(在這本漫畫書中,我們遭遇了海難。)
  • 20、Conan is acomic book hero.(柯南是漫畫書中的英雄。)
  • 21、Oh, they are not at thecomic book store, either?(噢,它們也不在連環(huán)畫書店嗎?) hao86.com
  • 22、The idea came from a Japanesecomic book.(這個(gè)想法源自于日本漫畫書。)
  • 23、Albert: I put acomic book in there.(艾爾伯特:還有漫畫書也是如此。)
  • 24、Are you done with thiscomic book?(你看完這本漫畫書了嗎?)
  • 25、The pearl TV tower looks like something out of acomic book.(東方明珠電視塔看上去就像一本漫畫書中的形象。)
  • 26、The Expendables isn’t acomic book, is it?(對了,《敢死隊(duì)》不是根據(jù)漫畫改編的吧?)
  • 27、I can read the newcomic book on the plane.(我可以在飛機(jī)上看新漫畫書了。)
  • 28、And they can learn something from acomic book.(并且他們可以從一本漫畫書學(xué)到些東西。)
  • 29、I have acomic book, but I want a story book.(我有本動(dòng)畫書,但是我想要一本故事書。)

comic book基本釋義

comic book

英 [?k?mik buk] 美 [?kɑm?k b?k] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):comic books

